Messages of Hope from a 2,800 Year Old Man

On this weekend of hope, I thought I would offer everyone some of the messages of inspiration and hope that I received from the remarkable man whom I have been interviewing for many years.

You see, I have also found hope that anything was possible since I first heard the story of the incredible man who defied death 2,000 years ago. But like most of you, I still needed to see, hear, or better yet experience such death defying feats during our modern age to really take "to heart" what we were taught by those famous biblical prophets.

So when it occurred to me that there actually were people living past 125 years of age, and way beyond that number, I started to "feel my heart" stir to the possibility many of our ancient myths may have been much more than stories of hope. Could they conceivably be accounts of actual people who found "the answers to achieving the impossible"? Did these people achieve such incredible feats, because the has nothing to fear? Or because they simply decided not to allow their lives to be conquered by their fears? Or, perhaps, they discovered the secret of living a life without fears which allowed these people to accomplish all that their heart's desired?

Clearly, fear in our lives, disables us, blocks us from growing, stops us for moving forward, hampers us in attaining our life's dreams; and in some cases, perhaps in many ways, destroys our lives from the inside out.

So, if fear is what keeps us from what we want, what we need, what we desire; then is it possible that the "lack of fear" or the "absence of fear" will allow us to obtain what we work for, what we struggle for, and what we sacrifice for?

From what what I have learned from my 2,800 year friend, and from the man who made history 2,000 years ago, is a big, blatant YES to these questions. Certainly they both had fears, but it is quite obvious from what I have heard from the both of them is simply: conquer your fears and you will achieve results.

So how did these 2 incredible men face their fears and conquer them? The simplest of answers I could ascertain from the both of them, happens to be the same message:

1. Do not believe in the fear. Believe instead in the "opposite of fear" which is love.

2. Do not believe in death. Believe instead in the "opposite of death" which is life.

3. Do not live your lives believing in fear and in death, but instead live your lives believing in love and in life.

Have you ever met a person who believes in love and in life? When you do, you automatically be moved by the presence, their words, and all that surrounds them.

Is that not how we, deep down inside, really want to live? A life of contentment without worries, fears, and experiencing life at its fullest?

We can seek out these people for guidance, we can model our lives after these people ...

or we can start today and simply add this simple knowledge into our lives, in everything we say, everything we do, and when we deal with all that life deals to us.

This is what I have learned from a 2,800 year man, who lives this way every day. And I am embarrassed to say, this is what I should have learned from the man who taught us all this; 2,000 years ago today.

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