Kumbh Mela 2010 – the Festival of Immortals

I just returned from attending the 2010 Kumbh Mela celebration also known to many as the "Festival of Immortals". The celebration is said to be anywhere from 3,000 to 8,000 years old; bringing the holy people of the Hindu religion, their followers, and a few "immortals" together. The event honors the legend of when the Hindu "gods" dropped some of their "amrit" (the nectar of immoratlity) from their pot referred to as Kumbh at 4 spots in India: Allahabad (Prayag), Haridwar, Nasik and Ujjain. The Kumbh Mela in each location takes place every twelfth year; this year being held at Haridwar.

The people who attend the "Ganga Art" ceremony, or sacred bath during the Kumbh Mela, believe taking this bath will make them protected from death aka "immortal" until the next Kumbh Mela. And there are a few who believe with a continuous bathing during each Kumb Mela, they will achieve some form of immortality.

Although I am not a Hindu, I went to the Kumbh Mela, out of curiousity and because I was told that I could possibly meet some real life "immortals" who live amoung the "holy people" of India. One man was said to be somewhere between 150 to 250 years old. There was a story of a 300 year old to 900 year old man who may or may not still be alive. And there was the hope of meeting a legendary man who's age is well beyond 1,000 years of age.

Unfortunately, I did not meet any of these people. However, I did find out much more about the supposed "immortals" and a met a few known people who could easily be well beyond 100 years of age.

I will reveal a few more interesting details of my interesting trip through India in future posts.

Do Immortals Really Exist? by Ben Abba
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