Knights Templar Benediction

I found this many, many years ago and I really liked it so I save it. It is a very good "code of conduct" that I felt important to add to my own life.

I do not believe it was ever copyrighted or has an author other the Knights Templar. so since I have now met a genuine member of the Knights Templar, I wish to share it with all of you.


A man has achieved true nobility who has lived well,
laughed often and loved much,

who has gained the respect of intelligent men,
the trust of pure women,
and the love of small children.

Who has always sought the best in others;
and given the best he had;

who has never lacked appreciation of the Earth's beauty,
nor failed to express it;

who has filled his niche and accomplished his task,

and who has left the world a better than he found it,
whether by an improved poppy,
a perfect poem,
or a rescued soul.

Whose life is an inspiration,
and whose memory is a benediction.

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