Initiative Aims at Immortality by 2045

Aug 27, 2012 3:21pm

Twentieth Century Fox/AP Photo

AlthoughJames Camerons Avatar took place more than 140 years into the future, a Russian billionairehas teamed with dozens of scientists to lay out a plan thatwould use avatars to transfer human consciousness into an artificial form. The goal:human immortality by 2045.

The 2045 Initiative, a life-extension project founded by 31-year-old Russian billionaireDmitry Itskov in February 2011, offers a timeline for immortality over the next 33 years. Beginning with remotely controlled robotic avatars and re-creating the human brain through computer models, the end result would be human immortality in the form of holographic avatars.

The 2045 Initiative, which has had a major social media blitz, brought together 30 top Russian scientists to develop the imortal technology, laying out the plan for human immortality on its website.

The first phase is to create a humanoid robot dubbed avatar, and a state-of-the-art brain-computer interface system. The next phase consists of creating a life-support system for the human brain and connect it to the avatar. The final phase is to create an artificial brain in which to transfer the original individual consciousness into, reads the plan.

Got that?

Heres the 2045 Initiatives timeline for this feat:

2015 2020: A robotic copy of a human body remotely controlled by a brain-computer interface

2020 2025: An avatar is created in which a human brain can be transplanted at the end of life

Initiative Aims at Immortality by 2045

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