Impressions of the Immortal Mystics, the Spanish MOBA that seeks to give a twist to the genre – Inspired Traveler

Mindiff is a Spanish studio that has been working on an ambitious project for the last five years: The Immortal Mystcs, a MOBA that comes with the intention of giving a little twist to the genre by betting on those characteristics that its own creators would love to see in other titles. This was told to us in a talk in which we were able to discover the project in motion and attend several games of a game that promises.

They themselves told us that they already have an age and that they perceived that the rest of MOBAS required two characteristics that they no longer have: many reflections and a lot of free time. Games like League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm have many micromanages, very specific requirements when it comes to enjoying the games at a competitive level. From Mindiff they wanted to promote another idea and that team play was much more important than these small individual sparkles. Faster games for busy players and a much faster learning line than other titles in the genre. A good cover letter for The Immortal Mystics, which also seeks to satisfy the most purist players.

The Immortal Mystics is a MOBA with all the letters, that these initial investigations do not make you think that it is a game that seeks to simplify the rules and needs of other games on the market. In fact, the study itself commented that in the first years of development they focused on creating the basis for a game of the genre with all the elements intact, taking as a reference other greats in the sector. It has been the last two years where they have dedicated themselves to adjusting the experience and adding the most personal elements that make the experience unique.

Although it is yet to be officially announced and they did not give us many details, Mindiff assured us that in addition to the traditional game modes, The Immortal Mystics will incorporate an additional mode designed for more casual players or for those who want a different experience with the genre. They will be unique maps with their own rules and limitations, so in each of them we will have to face the games in different ways. In about five minutes, we will enjoy these small experiences that seek to find another type of audience that does not want to face only another MOBA on the market.

But lets go where we are, have we really noticed that The Immortal Mystics is different and original? The game is still in an alpha-beta state, so work will continue on it. The launch of its open beta on PC is expected for the summer of 2021, where the game will already appear with all the expected features, store, skins and will begin to function as a product. Yes we have perceived that the games are faster than those of other MOBAs (about 20 minutes) and that many features have been incorporated to make the competitive confrontations somewhat lighter and more dynamic.

For example, teleportations have been incorporated that, at the cost of some points that will increase as the game progresses, we can immediately return to the line where we were before dying or return to the base. Everything suggests that additional speed that will convince players who do not want to spend a lot of time in each game, but without losing the deepest characteristics at the playable level. Because we insist: The Immortal Mystics is a MOBA with all the consequences.

There will be more than 20 heroes (right now they have a total of 28 developed, but they will not release all on the first day) and 3 maps for launch day. All heroes will have their own roles (recognizable within the genre), different special abilities and a series of unique characteristics that will completely vary the way in which we will play with them. The Immortal Mystics has an interesting armor system that we can customize and that will completely change the statistics of each character, even those that are the same. In addition, it will invite the player to play games to try to get different ones.

These armors will be chosen before starting the game and will allow the character to fill their gaps with different gems. These will boost some specific statistics, but it will depend on where on the body they are located. That is, depending on the role and class of the character, it will be convenient for us to have armor with holes in certain places, which will encourage us to get those that we think can better marry each of them. However, this will lead to multiple combinations and strategies, because as the study itself indicated, The Immortal Mystics places a lot of importance on team play.

The Immortal Mystics, in addition to this armor system, incorporates some elemental skills that we also choose at the beginning of each game. This will allow us to choose between fire, water, earth, wind and other natural elements to be able to carry out special attacks (with the F) of this type, but focused on the combination with those of our companions. If we do it close, both elements will be combined, ours and our partners (although they are different) allowing the attacks to be even more devastating. This leads us to the importance of companionship and to act with strategy, since this type of combos can only be carried out if both players have the action available.

For those who are wondering, these types of actions can also be limited to avoid trolling or problems with certain players at the multiplayer level. For example, you can select that your elemental ability is only shared with specific players to limit their actions. Everything that Mindiff has raised seeks cooperation and communication, which will be key to obtaining victory beyond the individual capacity of the best players.

But, with all these very strategic elements, isnt the duration of the games prolonged and the speed and dynamism that was sought is avoided? Indeed, that is why the studio itself has been very aware of this and new minions and different roles have been incorporated into the games to enhance speed despite these original brushstrokes, which require cooperation and patience to find the right moment.

Expect the typical minions that provide the group with gold and experience to level up, bosses, towers, the cores in each base that must be destroyed to win the game, the ultimate abilities of each character Any player who has enjoyed a MOBA will be able to enter The Immortal Mystics without any problem, discovering these differentiating points as incentives to enjoy a well-known but refreshing experience.

Mindiff has had two lines of development in recent years at its headquarters in Tenerife and Malaga. The first has worked on The Immortal Mystics, while the second has continued to perfect the technology of its own engine, Plague, which has been generating RTS and RPG video games for 20 years, to which they recently migrated to MOBAs for this project. A very specific engine for the genre they are going to license, highly specialized and with enormous potential. More than 60 people in total have worked during these years in both projects, which shows the magnitude and importance of the video game.

It will be this summer of 2021 when we can access those more than 20 heroes, 3 maps, 7 roles and more than 100 objects from the ingame store, to which skins and cosmetics of different kinds will also be incorporated. Although nothing is completely defined yet and it will be time and the players who mark the destiny of The Immortal Mystics, the studio is excited and has already told us their intention to continuously incorporate heroes, skins and all kinds of content, as well as keep updating that other game mode more focused on casual players who also want to open a door.

The Immortal Mystics has incredible potential. It seems that it will work very well as an initial MOBA with a much faster and less demanding learning curve than the great exponents of the current genre., along with all its own characteristics that focus on the importance of teamwork ahead of individual sparkles and not exhausting the player with excessively long games. It can be the beginning of something truly immortal.

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Impressions of the Immortal Mystics, the Spanish MOBA that seeks to give a twist to the genre - Inspired Traveler

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