How did cold spring weather affect the Chinese peach market? –

Peach trees easily adjust to different types of soil. You can plant them in any type of soil and grow peaches. Furthermore, the peaches grow under a wide variety of weather conditions. Peaches are therefore cultivated in production areas across the country. With the exception of Heilongjiang in China's northeast, almost every other province in China grows peaches.

Available data shows that the overall surface area devoted to peach plantation in China already exceeded 670 thousand hectares. China leads the world in the production of peaches. However, this was not an easy year for peaches. An unexpected cold snap engulfed the country in the middle of April. Many peach orchards were covered in snow. A great number of peach blossom suffered frost damage, which reduced the volume of fruit on each tree.

Earlier this year, the outbreak of Covid-19 also had a disastrous impact on many industries in China. The purchasing power of Chinese consumers drastically declined. Furthermore, the Covid-19 pandemic spread across the globe and many countries restricted access through sea ports, which severely limited the export of honey peaches. Apart from the outbreak of Covid-19, the peaches also suffered from poor weather conditions. The peaches ripened one week later than usual. However, the flavor is slightly better than last year.

The most popular peaches in the Chinese market are the honey peach, golden nectarine, golden immortality peach, and the yellow peach. These peaches are relatively large, have a long shelf-life, taste good, and have a high sugar content. This makes them very popular with Chinese consumers.

Some buyers explain that the outbreak of Covid-19 definitely had an impact on the sales of nectarines earlier this season, but that influence is much smaller for the peaches that enter the Chinese market in June, such as the honey peach, immortality peach, and yellow peach. However, the retail conditions are still difficult to analyse as not all peaches have officially entered the market yet. However, it is quite certain that the peaches from Yunnan and Shandong will dominate the market and online sales will greatly increase in comparison with previous years.


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How did cold spring weather affect the Chinese peach market? -

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