Happy 130th Birthday Antisa Khvichava !


"Authorities in the former Soviet republic of Georgia claim a woman from a remote mountain village turned 130 on Thursday, making her the oldest person on Earth.

Antisa Khvichava from western Georgia was born on July 8, 1880, said Georgiy Meurnishvili, spokesman for the civil registry at the Justice Ministry."


I've always been healthy, and I've worked all my life — at home and at the farm," said Khvichava, in a bright dress and headscarf.


Meurnishvili showed two Soviet-era documents that he says attest to her age. Scores of officials, neighbors, friends, and descendants backed up her claim as the world's top senior.


Khvichava's 70-year-old son Mikhail apparently was born when his mother was 60. She said she also had two children from a previous marriage, but says they died of hunger during World War II.

While Antisa may never be officially "proven" to be 130 years of age; it certainly proves there are more people alive today living beyond those "on record" and who live well beyond what we consider our norms.

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