DONALD CONKEY: Sustainable societies and the great divide – Cherokee Tribune Ledger News

Recently, while reading a talk that defined sustainable societies, I noticed that the author had discussed two societies he described as sustainable, one for many years, the other for only 200 years.

One of the two such sustainable societies he declared was the City of Enoch, the same Enoch that, according to Genesis 5:22, walked with God, and whose society was so sustainable, for 365 years, verse 23, that he was not, meaning, as it declares in verse 24 God took him, meaning as some scholars believe, that Enoch and his entire city was translated to heaven to be with God.

The author then declared that the other sustainable society was the other people with whom the Lord went to visit as recorded in chapter 10:16 of John. The history of this people in this sustainable society declared the people were all converted unto the Lords laws, as were Enochs people, where there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did justly one with another. This record then said that there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift.

As I continued to read the history of this sustainable society, I learned that this sustainable society lasted only 200 years before pride began to tear it apart. Continuing to read I learned that this tearing apart continued to grow and that in the 231st year of this society, due to pride, there took place a great division among the people.

The phrase, great division among the people, caused me to wonder just how long Americas sustainable society, that began on April 30 1789, the day that George Washington accepted the presidency of the United States in Philadelphia, had lasted before the great division amongst the people that took place on Nov. 3, 2020. In doing the math I learned that it has been exactly 231 years since Washington took office in 1789 before this great division among the people took place.

Why had the City of Enoch society lasted 365 years and this other people society lasted only 201 years? My pondering this question led me to believe that the longevity of Enochs sustainable society was because God literally walked with Enoch and pride did not hinder them during this entire period while this other society, a democracy, allowed pride to come between them and their God.

I continued to read the history of this other people to see what had transpired following the great division among the people. I learned that by the 244th year the more wicked part of the people did wax strong, and continued to wax stronger through the 260th year when they began again to build up the secret oaths and combinations of their ancestors. As I read this part of their history I could not help but think of our own secret oaths and combinations that were brought out into the open during the past four years, in what has become known as the Washington Swamp, a swamp that has fought hard not to let its history be revealed, as with the recent revelations of the son of a prominent political figure in the swamp who became rich by merchandising his fathers political connections over the course of many years.

The history of this other people revealed that as the years continued to roll by the divided people began to war with each other and after 385 years the wars became so fierce that that hundreds of thousands were slain by the sword, including men, women and the children, with one side of the division being totally killed off.

This historian who observed and recorded this history closed out his record with these words: And the day soon cometh that your mortal bodies must put on immortality, and these bodies which are now moldering in corruption must become incorruptible bodies; and ye must stand before the judgement-seat of Christ, to be judged according to your works;

As I pondered the history of this other people that had had the great divide I wondered just what course our beloved America will follow following this recent great divide between the left and right. I suppose we will learn what will happen as soon as the results of this divisive election is determined. The results, regardless of which side wins, will likely end up before the U.S. Supreme Court, and then, as they did in 2000, determine what direction America will follow, leaving it to our descendants to make the difficult choices to maintain their precious freedoms.

Donald Conkey is a retired agricultural economist who lives in Woodstock

Originally posted here:
DONALD CONKEY: Sustainable societies and the great divide - Cherokee Tribune Ledger News

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