Complete Immortality – TV Tropes

"The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever."

Herb Caen

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Myth, Legend, Oral Tradition, and Religion

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Sometimes the discovery becomes massive and everybody in the world finds out at once and I end up on a pedestal. Sometimes they make me their leader, sometimes they call me an abomination, sometimes I get arrested and studied, usually it's all of this at once. I've been everywhere. I've done everything, spoken every language, built a pyramid, survived re-entry. History goes in cycles. If you watch it for long enough you can see the tipping points coming and be there when they happen. I invented fire, the wheel, the electric motor, antibiotics, you name it, every era, every country. Fought in X number of wars. Once, I actually ruled the whole world.

I've walked on the Moon barefoot.

Western Animation

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Complete Immortality - TV Tropes

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