Adam and Eve, Blessings of – Church Militant

Adam and Eve were not supposed to die. God originally blessed them in such a way that they would not evensuffer, get sickor grow old.Paragraph 376 of the Catechism of the Catholic Churchattests, "As long as he remained in the divine intimacy, man would not have to suffer or die."

God had originally intendedfor the first parentsand their progeny to live full lives, grow in virtue and finally enterHeaven without ever having to suffer. They did sin, of course, and thus lost thisblessingnot only for themselves but for the entire human race asRomans 5:12 relates,"so death passed upon all men."

God also gave Adam and Eve the supernatural gift ofsanctifying grace, the effect of God'spresence within them.They lost this gift with the first mortal sin.

Along with immortality, Adam and Eve were additionally giventwo other gifts that were calledpreternatural orbeyondnature.The first was the gift of knowledge called infused science. This was like a mentalowner's manual of life that God download into their minds. They thus knew how to live and how toteachthe human raceabout life.

An example of this knowledge is found in Genesis 2:19 where Adam names the animals, which showshefirstunderstood them.Their mindswere also made nimble and prone to learning.

The third preternatural blessing, called the gift of integrity,allowed their emotions to be balanced and reasonable. Paragraph 376 of theCatechism saysthis gift afforded our first parents an "inner harmony" that promotedanexternal "harmony between the first couple and all creation."

God had even blessed nature making itconformabletotheir service. This was shown in Genesis 2:15 where God placed them "into the paradise of pleasure to dress it and to keep it." After they fell from grace, this blessing would be withdrawnand the earth would thenyield "thorns and thistles."

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Adam and Eve, Blessings of - Church Militant

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