Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic: 9780975262405 …


Dr. Starr has written clear and understandable explanation of why so many people today are suffering from hypothyroidism, despite normal blood test that throw their doctors off the track. Having successfully treated several thousand type 2 hypothyroid patients myself over 23 years practice and watching them return to normal health, I applaud Dr. Starr s work which will hopefully reach many of those who are suffering so they can get help. His in-depth research and discussion of how environmental toxins can interfere with thyroid hormones is groundbreaking and enlightening for us all. Bravo Mark! --Robban Sica, M.D.

I believe everyone needs to review Mark Starr s book. He has a vital message to share about the many people who do not realize they have low thyroid, because standard thyroid tests do not show it. Mark Starr s dedication to research, and his devoted study with the old masters, have made him an international expert on thyroid and iodine. ---- Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H)

I believe everyone needs to review Mark Starr s book. He has a vital message to share about the many people who do not realize they have low thyroid, because standard thyroid tests do not show it. Mark Starr s dedication to research, and his devoted study with the old masters, have made him an international expert on thyroid and iodine. --Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H)

I believe everyone needs to review Mark Starr s book. He has a vital message to share about the many people who do not realize they have low thyroid, because standard thyroid tests do not show it. Mark Starr s dedication to research, and his devoted study with the old masters, have made him an international expert on thyroid and iodine. --Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H)

I believe everyone needs to review Mark Starr s book. He has a vital message to share about the many people who do not realize they have low thyroid, because standard thyroid tests do not show it. Mark Starr s dedication to research, and his devoted study with the old masters, have made him an international expert on thyroid and iodine. --Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H)

As a Diplomat of the American Board of Pain Medicine and Fellow of the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dr. Starr delivered lectures at International Courses on Musculoskeletal Pain and Fibromyalgia. The courses were held at Mt. Sinai Hospital and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia. He is a life member of the national registry of Who's Who published in the 1999 edition. Dr. Mark Starr finished his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Missouri, Rusk Rehabilitation Center in 1994. The following two years, he studied in New York City with several of the world's premier pain specialists: Hans Kraus, MD, Norman Marcus, MD. Lawrence Sonkin, MD, PhD, and Andrew A Fischer, MD, PhD. Initially, Dr. Starr worked eighteen months at the Bronx Veteran's Hospital with Dr. Fischer, the renowned musculoskeletal pain specialist, author, lecturer, and former student of Hans Kraus. Following his work with Dr. Fischer, Dr. Starr studied at the New York Pain Treatment Program at Lenox Hill Hospital, with Drs. Kraus and Marcus. Dr. Starr was treated by and studied under Dr. Sonkin, the New York Cornell Endocrinologist, who worked closely with Dr. Kraus for thirty years. Dr. Kraus' books included Therapeutic Exercise, Backache, Stress, and Tension, The Sports Injury Handbook, and Diagnosis and Treatment of Muscle Pain. Dr. Starr has been in private practice since 1996. He has attended American Academy of Anti-aging Meetings & American Academy of Environmental Medicine meetings. Dr. Starr is involved in clinical studies on the relationship and treatment of hormone imbalances, heavy metal toxicity, Candidiasis, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, and pain. He is adept at maximizing health through natural hormone therapies.

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