Will 2020 be the year the tin foil hats are vindicated? – Cowichan Valley Citizen

Will 2020 be the year the tin foil hats are vindicated?

A global coup is unfolding before our very eyes

Will 2020 be the year of the global communist takeover that the tin foil hats have been warning of? The blueprint for world domination is detailed in the UNs Agenda 21 and has four main objectives.

Depopulation: Greatly reduce world population to a more sustainable number and restrict human reproduction.

Globalization: Global militarized police state to enforce political, economic, environmental and medical totalitarianism.

Digitization: Eliminate cash; implement a global digital currency and Universal Basic Income using implantable microchips and a 5G-control grid.

De-carbonization: Eliminate fossil fuels, return rural land to nature by concentrating populations in smart cities. Ban travel, farming and property ownership.

The 120-ton granite monument known as the Georgia Guidestones is inscribed with guidelines for a new age of reason that echoes the same philosophies as those behind Agenda 21. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 and Guide reproduction wisely are the main principles of eugenics, which promotes selective breeding of the nobility and forced abortions and sterilization of the working class. Be not a cancer on the earth Leave room for nature is the Malthusian philosophy that inspired the eugenics movement in the late 1800s; the idea that famines, plagues, wars and birth control are necessary to prevent overpopulation from depleting global resources.

Remember Greta and the Green New Deal? Again we see the globalization, de-carbonization and depopulation themes of Agenda 21. Too bad that racist Trump with his conspiracy theories ruined all of that. But then, just in time to squash Trumps re-election, along comes Bill Gates and The New World Normal to get Agenda 21 back on track.

While the world is under military martial law with travel bans in place, 5G is rolled out, the economy collapses, small business and the middle class are decimated and many become dependent on government handouts. We must learn to work, school, shop and socialize online. Because handling cash spreads the virus, we will need digital currency and an implant to use it.

But dont worry, Bill Gates has been preparing for this pandemic for ages. He already has plans to inject the entire world population with his quantum dot digital tattoos, so he will know whos taken his vaccine. If you refuse, well, youll just be quarantined. Forever. Coincidently, the Book of Revelations warns of a time when the Antichrist forces every man, woman and child to take the mark of the beast and without it no one shall buy or sell.

Now, those of us who have done our homework have tried to warn about the globalist agenda and their deceptive modus operandi, only to be insulted and ridiculed for our efforts. But now that the globalist wolves have thrown off their sheeps clothing and its time to for us to say, we told you so, will the sheep still deny the global coup unfolding before our very eyes?

David Work

Lake Cowichan


Original post:
Will 2020 be the year the tin foil hats are vindicated? - Cowichan Valley Citizen

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