WALSH: WHO’s Horrifying Sex Ed Guidelines Are Enough Reason To Defund Them – The Daily Wire

There was much consternation and outrage when President Trump suspended funding to the World Health Organization last week. Outrage aside, WHO clearly deserves to lose funding just on the basis of the past two months alone. This is a health organizationthat has addressed a global pandemic by getting nearly everything wrong every step of the way. WHO originally covered for China anddownplayed the threat posed by COVID-19, then reversed itself and called for draconian lockdowns, insisting that easing them could cause the virus to reignite, and then seemingly reversed itself again by putting Sweden forward as a model for battling the epidemic. Im not sure that this performance is quite worth the $400 million in funding that we had been forking out.

But the case against WHO goes well beyond its stumbling response to the coronavirus. For many years, WHO has been a leading advocate for sexualizing and grooming children with radical sex ed courses. The Federalist has some details:

On the WHOs officialwebsite, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is listed as one of the WHOs major partners. Planned Parenthood is one of the largest world abortion providers. Additionally, the names and logos of top-tier UN agencies, including the WHO, all appear on the front cover of UNESCOS International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education published in January 2018. Thisdocument posted on the WHO website is laced with references to childhood sexuality, including these statements:

[Young] people want and need sexuality and sexual health information as early and comprehensively as possible.

Children should have agency in their own sexual practices and relationships.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education can help children form respectful and healthy relationships with sexual partners.

It gets much worse. As Summit News reports, the World Health OrganizationsStandards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policymakers, educational and health authorities and specialists provides a framework for sexual education, and the guidelines for even the youngest age groups are fairly shocking. The documentpromotes a holistic approach that empowers children to become more empowered in order to live out their sexuality and their partnerships in a fulfilling and responsible manner. The true horror of this approach becomes clear when you realize that they want children as young as four to be empowered in this way.

An educational matrix within the document provides specific guidelines for different age groups. Children from ages 0-4, were told, should be given information about the discovery of own body and own genitals and enjoyment and pleasure when touching ones own body, early childhood masturbation. They are also supposed to be informed of their right to explore gender identities. Children between 4-6 are supposed to be informed about the wonders of masturbation and genital exploration as well, with the added wrinkle that homosexual relationships are supposed to be introduced.

The guidelines get more graphic as you move into the older age brackets. About kids between the ages of 16 and 18, we are told: The sexual career of young people usually proceeds as follows: kissing, touching and caressing with clothes on, naked petting, sexual intercourse (heterosexuals) and, finally, oral sex and sometimes anal sex. The phrase sexual career of young people, coming from a giant bureaucratic organization, should severely creep you out. But then all of this indeed, the very idea of government schools teaching sex ed should creep you out.

Its inevitable that government sex education will take a sharp left turn into this sort of grotesquery. Thats because every statement about sex is wrapped in the moral and philosophical beliefs of whoever is making it. Its one thing to teach about human anatomy or the biological facts of human reproduction, but once you veer into lessons on the relative merits and proper or improper contexts for specific sexual acts and behaviors, youve entered a realmthat will always be more ideological than scientific. It is the opinion of the degenerates at WHO that four-year-olds ought to be masturbating. Children at school dont need to hear anyones opinions about sex especially not that opinion. But thats what sex ed always comes down to: opinions. And if the curriculumis developed and taught by hedonistic perverts, the children will be taught hedonistic and perverse opinions. There is no way around it.

The best way to stop these outrageously inappropriate and not-so-vaguely pedophilic sex ed courses is to stop all sex ed courses. Let the kids learn about the science of sex in science class. All of the rest of it should fall to parents to handle. And, no, this is not a veiled sales pitch for abstinence education. I dont want government employees teaching my kids how not to have sex anymore than I want them teaching him how to have it. The case for abstaining until marriage is mostly moral, and I dont think the classroom is the right place for that sort of instruction, nor do I trust the average school teacher to make the moral case against premarital sex effectively. All of this, again, should go to the parents. All the teacher needs to do is stick to the biological basics, though frankly Im not sure we can trust them to handle even that anymore.

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WALSH: WHO's Horrifying Sex Ed Guidelines Are Enough Reason To Defund Them - The Daily Wire

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