Millionaire landowner triggers outrage after he calls for limits on childbirth to save the planet – Daily Record

A landowner has called for limits on childbirth to help save the planet.

Paul Lister, who inherited 50million when his family sold the MFI furniture chain and owns 23,000 acre Alladale Wilderness Reserve in Sutherland, wants women limited to just one child.

In an end-of-year message to supporters, Lister said: For all generations to continue living in a secure and healthy environment we must re-evaluate our choices and challenge long-held historical traditions and habits.

Less meat consumption, less carbon emissions, less waste, and last but not least the source of all excessive extraction and pollution, less human reproduction.

For the prosperity of all life on earth we simply must put nature preservation and landscape regeneration first, to not do so will be at our peril.

In a previous message to supporters from the European Nature Trust he established, Lister wrote: Against our emotional instincts, we need to consider a one-woman, one-child policy (with adoption as an option for a second child) and accept the short/medium-term issues that might prevail.

Highland councillor Bill Lobban has called his one-child suggestions disgraceful.

He added: Its the fundamental right of every woman to decide what she wants to do with her body.

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Millionaire landowner triggers outrage after he calls for limits on childbirth to save the planet - Daily Record

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