Message from the Director of the Department of Sexual and … – World Health Organization

Pascale Allotey, Director Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research including UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP)

I was asked recently if there would be repercussions if we simply removed sexualfrom SRH and focused on reproductive health, ensuring a non-controversial agenda that targeted the proximal causes of maternal mortality. The question is indicative of the ever-present, escalating and worrisome sensitivities to sexual health and rights.

These are sensitivities that HRP has never shied away from. In fact, the question underscores the essential role of HRP, committed to generating evidence to support the health and wellbeing of all people everywhere.

There is no reproductive health without sexual health. Sexual health encompasses the promotion of bodily autonomy and agency, recognizing the importance of safe, healthy relationships throughout life. This requires access to information to enable choice. Sexual health ensures the prevention of and protection from sexually transmissible infections, unintended pregnancies and harms imposed by differential power relations. Sexual health seeks to provide high-quality screening, diagnosis and treatment for gynaecological and andrological conditions that underly infertility, sexual disorders and dysfunction and reproductive cancers. Over the life course, sexual health safeguards health and wellbeing, ensuring that we remain productive and not just reproductive.

A comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive health is essential for gender equality. Research shows that the presence of services such as comprehensive sexuality education, contraception services, comprehensive abortion care and maternal health services all contribute to more empowered, healthier, happier communities. Critically, sexual and reproductive health are fundamental to gender equality and human rights.

In recent months, experts from WHO and HRP have been present and visible in global forums speaking to the importance of an approach to sexual and reproductive health that addresses peoples needs within and well-beyond reproduction.

In this newsletter you will find highlights from FIGO, where we launched the pivotal PPH Roadmap, as well as the World Health Summit where we launched the first Joint Statement on Selfcare with WHO, UNDP, UNFPA and the World Bank. Then there was the World Conference for Sexual Health where colleagues further emphasized the importance of sexual health and sexual pleasure as essential to wellbeing.

We have just launched a joint Call to Action on Climate Change and Maternal, Newborn and Child Health with WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA, alongside an advocacy brief by PMNCH and partners, and ahead of COP28.

The 16 Days of activism against gender-based violence commences 25 November and extends through 10 December. This year we are releasing a number of resources intended to empower health workers with the knowledge and tools they need, as sometimes the first and often the only point of contact for people experiencing violence.

Finally, as the year draws to a close, stay tuned as we focus on maternal health with an exciting Lancet Series launching on 7 December, followed by a BMJ Global Health series on the post-natal period.

Tribute to Dr Fathalla

Earlier this month thepublic health community lost one of its great champions, Dr Mahmoud Fathalla. He was a visionary of womens health who led the way on empowering women through sexual health and rights. I am proud to say his legacy carries on through today in everything we strive to do at HRP.

See more here:
Message from the Director of the Department of Sexual and ... - World Health Organization

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