Libyan homophobe makes UN Human Rights Council an still bigger joke

MORE enlightening news from a member of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council. A Libyan diplomat told the UN: “Gays threaten the future of the human race.” The comment was picked up by UN Watch. But, oddly, no news organ gives the nem of the Libyans “envoy” who said it. Pink News writes:

“Protesting the council’s first panel discussion on discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation, scheduled for March 7th, Libya’s representative told the gathering of ambassadors today that LGBT topics “affect religion and the continuation and reproduction of the human race.”

The Human Rights Council is a nonsense. Libya was on it until March 2011, when it was kicked off, presumably because peace-loving Gaddafi had suddenly said something rude about Mormons. Libya was year but allowed back on the Council in November after Gaddafi was murder by Libya’s answer to the BNP.

Still, bit odd that no-one can name the envoy…?


Posted: 16th, February 2012 | In: News Comment | Follow the Comments on our RSS feed: RSS 2.0 | TrackBack | Permalink

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Libyan homophobe makes UN Human Rights Council an still bigger joke

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