Letter: Men On Reproduction & Abortion | Letters to the Editor – Arizona Daily Star

Re: the Dec. 15 letter "Human embryo observations" and "Abortion in 2022."

Mr. Holm: Technology can monitor fetal development, but it cannot keep a fetus alive before 22 weeks. You did not like the description of fetal development, but that doesnt change the reality of human biology. What is mean-spirited, contemptible, and ignorant is forcing women to bear a child they do not want.

Mr. McConnell: Your 50-state solution condemns women to 9-months of indentured servitude. If Roe is overturned, over half the states will effectively ban abortion. It comes down to treating women as second -class citizens with no control over their reproductive lives.

Despite Amy Coney Barretts disingenuous solution that women avail themselves of the so-called safe-havens and drop the new-born off at the fire station, I bet most women keep the child and struggle to do what is best. Dont romanticized this decision, it is probably detrimental to the woman and the child in the long run.

Decide what is best for yourself; women will do the same for themselves.

Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.

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Letter: Men On Reproduction & Abortion | Letters to the Editor - Arizona Daily Star

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