IS THIRD REALLY WEIRD? – Greater Kashmir

According to recent research published in journal of Human Reproduction Update, the sperm count among men is dropping and the decline is not slowing any way. Male identity is diluting in more than one way.

We find that the deep voices of men are drowning and their valor vanishing. Men are choosing to be fair, feeble and feminine. They are getting soft spoken and slimmer every day.

On the other hand, women are getting rough and robust, struggling hard to be strong not serene, to be bold not shy, to be he not she. The result is a mere exchange of identities which is neither wholesome nor original.

The girls tend to look like tom-boys and the boys are so chocolaty. Everyone is cherishing to live by choices which are beyond the scope of natural laws.

While transgender is about a natural calamity, being Lesbian or Gay or bisexual is about the personal choice of individuals. We have been transgressing the natural disposition every day. So all of us are trans in one way or the other. Much like our mobile phones, we are badly in need of a reset and restore.

When we are in search of best quality, we always mean the original taste, the original flavour, the original color, the original fruit, the original cloth of wool, cotton and leather.

A wise man was so fond of originality that he said, It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. For the transgenders, I want to end with this wise quote of Shannon L. Alder, Your dignity can be mocked, abused, compromised, toyed with, lowered and even badmouthed, but it can never be taken from you.

You have the power today to reset your boundaries, restore your image, start fresh with renewed values and rebuild what has happened to you in the past.

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IS THIRD REALLY WEIRD? - Greater Kashmir

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