Human Reproduction – Indiana University

Human Reproduction and Development March 3, 2004

Readings: Ch 38: p 644-649, 652-653, 666-673, CD-ROM: Great illustrations and quiz!

"One of life's great dramas: the development of an offspring in the image of its parents" - Cecie Starr

I. What's the use of Sexual Reproduction?

Sexual reproduction: a costly process

Why bother, then?

The genetic diversity that results from sexual reproduction increases the possibility that the offpsring will survive and pass its genes on to the next generation, offsetting the biological "cost".

II. Stages of Development of an Animal Embryo: (please know the terms mentioned in the Learning Objectives!)

How does a one-celled zygote - the product of fertilization - become a multicellular organisms with tissues, organs, and other specialized cells and structures? [Besides Lots and Lots of mitosis!]? Most animals, including humans, go through 6 stages of embryonic development: Successful development at each stage depends on successful completion of the stage before!

1. Gamete formation (n + n): eggs and sperm are produced in specialized tissues (We already discussed Meiosis!)

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Human Reproduction - Indiana University

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