Are Eggs Healthy? The Truth – Plant Based News

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Are eggs healthy?

According to plant-based non-profit, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), the fat and cholesterol found in eggs canharmheart health andlead toprostate cancer, colorectal cancer and more.

In addition, according to the FDA, eggs may contain bacteria calledSalmonellathat can causefood poisoning.

Many people believe eggs are healthy and that free-range eggs are ethical. The average American consumes about 279 every year, and the average Brit almost 200.

So are eggs healthy? Lets look at more details.

Egg yolks are loaded with cholesterol. A medium-sized egg contains186 mgof cholesterol, which is 62 percent of the recommended intake.

This increases your risk of cardiovascular disease.

In fact, says some experts suggest that eating just one a day may exceed the safe upper limit forcholesterol intake in terms ofcardiovascular diseaserisk.

Can eating dietary cholesterol which is found in eggs among other animal products increase cancer risk?

According to The largest nationwide population-based casecontrol study [to date] to assess the association between cholesterol intake and several types of cancer.

And, they found dietary cholesterol intake wasassociated with increased risk of cancers of the stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, lung, breast, kidney, bladder and bone marrownon-Hodgkins lymphoma.

Viva! adds: Theres a strong link between egg consumption and ovarian cancer one or two eggs a week increase the risk by 70 percent, more than two and it rises to 80 percent.

In addition, Viva! says, they also contain choline.They are by far the richest dietary source.Too much choline has been linked to ovarian and prostate cancer and heart disease.

According to plant-based physician Dr. Greger, men who eat even less than one egg a day appear to have twice the risk ofprostate progression compared to men who rarely eat them.

He adds: And, men who consume two and a half or more eggs per weekbasically an egg every three daysmay have an 81 percent increased risk of dying from prostate cancer.

Dr. Greger also cites choline as the potential culprit behind this increased risk factor.

Eggs pose the risk of salmonella poisoning. And salmonella bacteria can survive cooking if the eggs are still runny. In fact, the FDA recommends using eggs that have been treated to destroy salmonella through pasteurization if recipes that require undercooking.

But why put yourself at risk?

This bacteria is a leading cause of food poisoning-related hospitalizations and the top cause of food poisoning-related death, says Dr. Greger.

And health isnt the only issue. Many consumers are unaware of the cruelty rife in the industry including chick culling

The industry kills newly-hatched male chicks for which the hatcheries have no use. Male chicks are redundant to the laying industries because they dont lay.

This is the case for all industrialized egg production in both the U.S and U.K. This is regardless of whether the eggs are free-range, organic, or battery cage.

The majority of culling methods dont involve anaesthetic. However, they do include cervical dislocation and asphyxiation by carbon dioxide. And in addition, the American industrys favorite: maceration using a high speed grinder.

A spokesman for the British Egg Information Service has saidthe practice of culling male chicks has been in place as long as the industry has been there.

U.S egg hatcheries grind up as many as 200 million male chicks every year.

Female chicks survive being minced alive. However, instead, they will have theirbeaks cut off(or burnt off) without anaesthesia or pain relief. Producers do this to try and prevent hens from injuring themselves or each other while living in such cramped conditions.

Chickens in battery cages live in suchsmall areas that they are unable to spread their wings ever.

Even in the best-case scenario, a hen spends her life crowded in a space aboutthe size of a file drawerwith several others. She will be unable to lift a single wing.

Disease also runs rampant in the cramped sheds partly because egg-laying hens are forced to urinate and defecate on each other.

After two years of living in these conditions,the birds have sufferedfrom severe bone loss. In addition, as theyre ripped from their cages, tens of millions suffer new broken bones.

After laying, hens bodies become exhausted, farmers then ship them off to the slaughterhouse.

Consumers should be aware that this is what they are paying for when they buy eggs, says says Animal Aid. Regardless of whether they are from caged or free-range hens.

According to research, chickens outperform both dogs and cats on some tests of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral complexity.

Dr. Jane Goodall explains: Farm animals feel pleasure and sadness, excitement and resentment, depression, fear, and pain.

They are far more aware and intelligent than we ever imagined they are individuals in their own right.

Research from the University of Bristol has also demostrated how intelligent chickens are.

It says: Chickens do not just live in the present but can anticipate the future and demonstrate self-control. [This is] something previously attributed only to humans and other primates.

Many people are probably not aware that they are eating an animals period.

Female chickens have amenstrual cycle, during which a hens ovary sends a yolk on its path.

As it moves though the reproductive tract and into the shell gland, then yolk then forms into an egg white.The shell takes about 20 hours to form.

Many people believe that most eggs are free-range, but in fact, around 95 percent of U.S. eggs come from caged hens.

So eggs are demonstrably cruel. Are eggs healthy? Lots of evidence suggests not.

All things considered, you dont need eggs.

There are many substitutes you can try from grocery stores like JUST Egg for example.

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Are Eggs Healthy? The Truth - Plant Based News

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