Researchers look to K-9 DNA to identify human autism genes


Phoenix-based scientists at TGen are beginning to examine whether dogs might hold the key to unlocking the mystery behind childhood autism.

The non-profit genomics organization is raising funds to initiate a study looking at doggie DNA they hope will translate into possible life improving advancements for children suffering from autism.

"Science has been studying the genetics of autism for a very long time," says Matt Huentleman, PhD with TGen.

TGen has had success in the past studying K-9 DNA and getting results translated to help humans.

"This type of breed has a cancer that is similar to the human version," says dog breeder Valana Wells.

Wells breeds Clumber Spaniels, a British hunting dog. Several years ago she submitted the DNA of one of her dogs for a cancer research study. Scientists seek out the DNA from purebred dogs because it is, they say, a hundred times simpler to analyze than human DNA.

In the autism study, researchers are looking to establish a link between obsessive compulsive behavior in certain dog breeds with the autism markers in a human.

"The hope is if we can identify the genes that might be linked to that type of behavior. That type of obsessive compulsive behavior, then that becomes a significant candidate gene for human autism," says Dr. Huentleman.

Researchers share the results of what they find with the dog owners who submit DNA.

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Researchers look to K-9 DNA to identify human autism genes

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