New research facility opens at Greenwood Genetics Center – Anderson Independent Mail

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A new facility that will house the Clemson University Center for Human Genetics has opened at the Greenwood Genetic Center.

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Liv Osby , Published 4:59 p.m. ET Feb. 16, 2017 | Updated 9:54 a.m. ET Feb. 17, 2017

Self Regional Hall(Photo: Craig Mahaffey/Clemson University)

A new facility that will house the Clemson University Center for Human Genetics has opened at the Greenwood Genetic Center.

The $6 million 17,000-square-foot structure, named Self Regional Hall, will allowClemsons growing genetics program to collaborate closely withresearchers at the center and to focus on early diagnostic tools for autism, cognitive developmental disorders, cancer and rare metabolic disorders.

Opening Self Regional Hall means that we will be able to do even more to help children with genetic disordersand their families, and to educate graduate students who will go out into the world and make their own impact, said Clemson University President James P. Clements, who has a child with special needs.

As you all know," he added, "an early diagnosis can make a huge difference for a child and their family because the earlier you can figure out what a child needs the earlier you can intervene and begin treatment.

The building will house eight laboratories and several classrooms, conference rooms and offices for graduate students and faculty, officials said.

GCC director Dr. Steve Skinner said the facilityis the nextstep in a collaboration of more than 20 years.

"We look forward to our joint efforts with both Clemson and Self Regional Healthcare to advance the research and discoveries that will increase our understanding and treatment of human genetic disorders, he said.

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New research facility opens at Greenwood Genetics Center - Anderson Independent Mail

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