More Practice Fusion Reality Distortion

From the response to Practice Fusion: Class D Felony?

We completely stand behind our data protection policies and unique business model. We take this a step further as one of the only EHR vendors to undergo third party security audits.

It is unlawful “EHR vendors” to not undergo regular security audits as part of standard practices for handling electronic protected health information. Would you please list the following EHR vendors that you and have publicly stated as knowing to be practicing unlawfully?

Further, the “security” of your systems is not relevant to your explicit practice and intent to disclose protected health information for commercial advantages. Protecting your unlawful practices to exclude other criminals does not make your practices lawful.

Finally, really? Of all the health record systems for all the millions of people in the United States over decades in all the hospitals and in all the medical centers and in all the universities, you, Practice Fusion, are “one of the only” vendors to “undergo third party security audits?” Really? No other vendor has every thought of securing their protected health information? You’re the leaders? In data security?

Yah, Ok.

I mean, somehow you’ve managed to convince people that the federal government will give you “stimulus cash” for using your EMR, which is a complete lie. Somehow you’ve managed to convince people that you’re the leaders in electronic medical records. No, not Epic, not even Citrix or Cerner… no, what you do is “revolutionary.” Really? There is nobody else in the entire world who has thought to put health records on a server and share them over a network. Nobody? You’re the market leaders?

And then, somehow you’ve managed to convince people that it’s GOOD that your DOCTOR exchanges your TOP SECRET PRIVATE MEDICAL DATA AND DEMOGRAPHICS for “free software over the Internet.” Somehow, you’ve convinced a demographic of people who are paranoid about even using the same password on two different websites that, yes! Selling patient data to an opaque web of “people who want to buy private demographics” is good!

Ok, engineers of Silicon Valley: you know how “social media” business works. You know that those banner ads are complete scams. You know that you just hold your nose and send the data to make the numbers —or else you know somebody else will. Even Max Levchin of Slide publicly complained about the seediness. Of Paypal. Max. The man who made it through Paypal had trouble stomaching the cottage industries of Facebook. But that was Buyer Beware, right?

But Practice Fusion… here we have a green fields where we can really do something great for something that really matters. And Practice Fusion, they pump their Retard Strong VC Cash through the PR machine and bizdev rackets with the EXPLICIT INTENT to resell other people’s medical records … not because you, the patient consented, but because they’ve conned your doctors —the people you must trust with all your most private secrets— into the Social Media goldrush and the “free stimulus cash from the Government!” pitch. I mean, CNN even PUBLISHED a headline reading: The next tech goldmine: Medical records.

And you APPLAUD them? You celebrate? Hooray! It’s everything we hate all over again, but maybe this time we’ll strike gold!

Not me. The buck stops here.

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