Hormone Replacement Treatment | Denver | Cherry Creek

Hormone Replacement Treatment August 30th, 2011 nhradmin


We find answersONLY by gatheringrelevant information, through:

First of ALL WE DO NOT CHASE YOUR SYMPTOMSlooking for a drug to cover them and certainly NOT WITH ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, SLEEPING PILLSOR SYNTHETIC/Pharmaceutical HORMONES (Some HRT Clinics call these Bio Identical).

We will be looking for the CAUSE of your symptoms

And treat with:

Compare our fees with competitors,we are the most reasonable!

Most of our Weight Loss programs are for 6 months of care and all visits are with a Board Certified Doctor (not ancillary medical staff). Most patients elect to continue the program and an additional 6 months can be obtained on a pay as you go basis.

Flexible Health Care Spending Account or Health Saving Account insurance may pay for most or all of our care. If you dont have one of these accounts, your personal insurance may pay for any additional blood and/or urine testing. We also have financing with CareCredit.com. We have treated hundreds of patients, few of them are financially well off, we are here to treat you, not your pocket book. Dont let fear of costs stop you from visiting with one of our Doctors, we feel you will be happy you did. We offer hormone replacement treatments you can trust!

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Hormone Replacement Treatment | Denver | Cherry Creek

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