Hormone Optimization Therapy – Beverly Hills Rejuvenation …

Little do most people know, that hormone optimization therapy plays an important role in reversing age related hormone decline, which is a common cause of weight gain, especially in women. Some people are lucky, but most of us experience a severe disruption in our hormonal balance which causes a poor quality of life, and a major change in health. To counteract this hormone induced weight gain, you need to optimize your hormonal response.

Most men and women experience significant weight gain in a bimodal pattern, starting hormonal weight gain in their 30s, then again in their 40s and 50s. Dr Angies comprehensive weight loss program will regulate your hormonal imbalance using BHRCs advanced hormone optimization techniques, which will kick your weight loss efforts into top gear.

The secret to the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Centers hormone replacement therapy success is in our method.

We use titration, and scientifically measured hormone doses, which are applied at lower amounts and more often than conventional methods used in other clinics. This means that the vital systems of your body maintain a harmonious synergy with the hormone replacement treatment, and side effects caused by hormone levels spiking are eliminated.

In fact, our treatment is so unique, we like to call it Hormone Optimization Therapy instead!

The secret to our weight loss programs success, is in our method of hormone replacement therapy which we like to call: Hormone optimization therapy.

Where conventional treatment methods for HRT include pills, creams, and large-dose injections, our method uses titration, and scientifically measured hormone doses applied at lower amounts, more often. We believe our techniques are so revolutionary, that we like to refer to them as Hormone Optimization Therapy instead.

Our hormone optimization comes with almost no side effects, as our medical staff are highly trained in our unique delivery method, and our protocol means that you get smaller doses at more frequent intervals, accompanied with detailed checkups and testing every step of the way. And although our method requires a little more effort, weve seen the results, and we can attest that the hard work is worth the effort in the long term.

Hormones function as your bodys chemical messengers, playing an integral part in how each of our bodies work, ensuring that our bodies operate according to plan. Created by your endocrine glands, hormones travel through the bloodstream to signal your organs and tissues to how to function properly.

Hormone replacement therapy also known as HRT, menopausal hormone therapy, and estrogen replacement therapy uses naturally occurring bio-identical hormones including testosterone, estrogen progesterone, and others, to treat common symptoms of hormonal imbalance including uncontrolled weight gain, menopause and aging.

Approximately after the age of 25, both men and women experience a decline in hormone production, causing a range of symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness, low libido, sexual dysfunction, and can sometimes lead to conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease, and dementia. To combat these, HRT replenishes the hormones that your body no longer makes in sufficient amounts, restoring hormonal balance to your body and allowing you to experience an extraordinary quality of life again.

Unlike some commercial weight loss programs, the Doctor Angie weight loss system includes hormone optimization therapy as part of its strategy to get you the weight loss youve been unable to achieve in the past. Hormones are partially responsible for the way your body metabolizes food and energy stores in your body, which is a critical component of fat storage and your overall energy levels. To achieve sustainable weight loss, we monitor your blood sugar, blood pressure, vitamin levels, hormone levels, liver enzymes, and cholesterol using these indicators to paint a clearer picture of your hormonal and wellness profile.

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Hormone Optimization Therapy - Beverly Hills Rejuvenation ...

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