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What is the Goal of Hormone Optimization Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a treatment for many common and debilitating symptoms that are often overlooked by medical providers.

Some of these symptoms include:

Often, people with symptoms like these are suffering from hormonal imbalance. These ailments are treated by getting to the root cause of these complex conditions and returning the patient to a state of hormone balance. BHRT is a simple method for correcting these complex issues through effective hormone balance therapy.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) effectively balances hormones. Hormone optimization therapy begins to work within seven to 10 days of your pellet insertion. After insertion, a consistent dose of bi-identical hormones enter the bloodstream and will begin to balance hormones. Every BHRT is customized to the patient's unique physiology and will work toward creating a state of hormone balance within their body. We tailor every hormone optimization treatment, ensuring each of our patients has the greatest opportunity of success in achieving hormone balance. BioTEs hormone optimization utilizes pellet therapy, which mimics the hormones already present within your body. Studies have shown that bioidentical hormone balance therapy may offer you the most benefits when you decide to balance hormones.

What Can I Expect from Hormone Balance Therapy?

Feel better no matter what your age is. As each patients symptoms are unique, so is each patients path to hormone optimization. Utilizing hormone optimization therapy, some patients report symptom relief in as little as seven to 10 days, but complete symptom relief may take up to six months. Your hormone optimization therapy will be customized to balance your hormones and fit your specific needs. It takes time for your hormones to get out of balance, so expect your return to a state of hormone balance to take time as well.

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Hormone Optimization | Return To Health Medical ...

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