Hormone Optimization Replacement Therapy | Key Laser …

What is Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

As we get older, ournatural hormone levels can start to decrease. Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is designed to replace what the body can no longer produce. Optimizing hormonal balance is absolutely necessary for good health as you age. Bio-Identical hormones are plant-based, natural substances that our bodies can metabolize in the way they were designed to do, thereby minimizing side effects.

BHRT is safe and effective. If you have any of the following symptoms you may be a candidate for BHRT:

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy has been shown in research studies to:

BioTe Medical Pellet Therapy

Key Laser Institute has partnered with BioTe Medical to provide natural hormone replacement therapy. BioTe is a leading provider of natural hormone replacement therapy using pellets placed right beneath the skin.

After obtaining your blood work, Dr. Buenafe will review the results with you. A treatment plan will be discussed. During treatment, pellets are placed under the skin in a simple, quick procedure. Maintenance treatments are scheduled 3 to 5 months.

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Hormone Optimization Replacement Therapy | Key Laser ...

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