Hormone Optimization Rejuv Medical | Dr. John Baird MD

What are Bio-identical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones (BHRT) are substances that biochemically identical to your bodies own hormones and therefore have been found to be safer and more effective with less side effects. A compounding pharmacist can formulate a personalized prescription that our office will prescribe by taking an in depth history and evaluating cutting edge functional labs. We also offer hormone pellets and have more experience than anyone in our area using bio identical hormones.

Hot Flashes,Night Sweats,Mood Swings,Insomnia,Depression,Headaches,Fatigue,Loss Sex Drive,Brain Fog, Memory Lapse,Hair Loss, Weight Gain,Joint Pain, Stress Incontinence,Vaginal Dryness / Pain, Acne or Dry skin

The Womens Health Initiative Study found that the use of oral synthetic non bio identical estrogen and progestin increased the risk of breast cancer, heart attack, stroke and blood clots. However, the use of bio identical natural hormones does not increase risk and the use of estriol has even been found to be protective against breast cancer.

The use of hormone replacement to relieve symptoms (there are 400 functions of estrogen) has been done since the 1950s with a change made to bio identical hormones in Europe in the 1970s to improve the safety. Studies have since demonstrated that the use of BHRT reduces the risk of all the leading causes of death for men and women such as:

At Rejuv Medical Louisville, we have been caring for women and men with hormone issues for over 15 years and take a comprehensive approach to your health care. We will work with you to identify what your hormone imbalances are, explain our findings and build a unique program just for you. We call this Personalized Medicine. Dr. Baird is board certified in Anti Aging Medicine and is one of a few local physicians who have completed the International Society for Sexual Medicine training as well. He was one of the first physicians prescribing BHRT in our area and is able to give you the choice of hormone pellets, crmes, pills, shots or even the type Suzanne Somers uses (TS Wiley). We use bio identical hormones and nutritional supplements to balance to address all your personal concerns and recommend lifestyle and dietary changes with education and coaching to enhance your well being to meet your goals to optimal health.

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Hormone Optimization Rejuv Medical | Dr. John Baird MD

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