Growth Hormone Optimization | Virility Inc.

Human Growth Hormone (hGH) plays a lead role in promoting our overall health by regulating muscle and bone growth, the metabolism of sugar and fat, and may even have a major role in heart health. Growth Hormone is responsible for the growth in height and skeletal muscle mass of youngsters. It is the catalyst to the reproduction of cells and cellular repair / regeneration. This essential hormone is abundant in the body when we are young, but it decreases as we get older.

HGH also plays a critical role in our metabolism and the health of our body tissue throughout our lives, Consequently, it is critical that we maintain adequate levels of GH, and not allow ourselves to become growth hormone deficient as we age. The rate of GH production declines steadily after puberty.

A number of physiological changes contribute to this decline, including a decrease in the serum levels of IGF-1. A decline in the production in the hypothalamus of hormones that stimulate GH production also plays a role in the reduction of growth hormone in our bodies as we age.Virility, Inc. offers medical treatment designed to elevate a patients hGH level to that of an extremely healthy, active and athletic young man.

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Growth Hormone Optimization | Virility Inc.

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