Female Hormone Optimization – Dr. Hagmeyer

Night sweats that keep you awake at all hours. Fatigue that makes everything such an effort even time with family and friends. Mood swings and lack of sexual desire that strain relationships with your partner. Anxiety, Depression,Thinning hair, wrinkles, weight gain, and dry skin that dont let you feel good about yourself.

Our endocrine system is devised of glands which produce and send hormones to all areas of our body to regulate essential function such as temperature, metabolism, reproduction, growth, immunity and aging. It stands to reason that this is the hub of vitality, longevity and well-being. With proper testing and monitoring, hormoneimbalances can be completely reversed with a Functional and Integrative approach and without standard prescribed medicines.

Our Seven-Step Natural hormone re-balancing and hormone make over program will address your major symptoms and ensure optimal results.

Here is just a glimpse into our Comprehensive Hormone Makeover and Restoration program. Read More

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Female Hormone Optimization - Dr. Hagmeyer

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