Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy | BHRT | BioTE …

BioTE Medical offers natural bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) utilizing BioTEs pellet therapy. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is a way to identically replace the hormones men and women lose over the course of their lives. Balancing hormones in this natural way helps patients learn more about this hormone replacement therapy utilizing BioTE's method of pellet therapy.

Because it's easy! As a patient, you receive two to four pellet insertions per year. This way you dont have to think about it, and the hormone is available when your body needs it.

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can come in oral, topical and pellet forms. BHRT has many advantages over other hormone therapies most notably, the consistent administration of the hormone prevents the rollercoaster-like effects patients often experience with creams and pills.

As each patients symptoms are unique, so is each patients path to hormone optimization. Most patients report some symptom resolution in as little as two to four weeks, but full optimization may take up to six months. Your journey will be customized to fit your specific needs. It takes more than one to two weeks for your hormones to get out of balance, so expect it to take time to resolve.

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) begins with finding a BioTE Medical provider near you. Our Find a Provider tool makes it easy to connect you with one of the thousands of BioTE certified providers we have in the U.S. Want your current doctor to become a BioTE provider? Let us know by nominating your doctor here!

BioTE Medical offers bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in the form of subcutaneous pellets. With more than 750,00 insertions performed in the companys history, weve seen many lives changed with optimized hormones. If any of the hormone imbalance symptoms mentioned above ring a bell for you or remind you of someone you love, BioTE Medical encourages you to use our Find a Provider tool or to nominate your provider to begin your BHRT journey to wellness today.

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Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy | BHRT | BioTE ...

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