Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization for Women

Women are living longer now than generations before but living longer is not enough, we want to live better! Every process in your body is controlled by your hormones; they are integral triggers and communicators between your cells, organs, muscles and tissues. Without hormone balance your body and its functions begin to deteriorate; which many dismiss as "normal aging". With Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization Therapy (BHOT) you do not have to accept all the signs of aging you can change them!

The good news is that hormone losses and imbalances are correctible and in most cases reversible. Through the use of Bio-Identical hormones women can not only be relieved of the symptoms, but also helping to effectively protect themselves against depression, osteoporosis and heart disease and many more diseases. Hormone imbalances usually start for most women at a time when life often offers some of its greatest rewards so if you are experiencing any of the symptoms it's time to get tested, get treated and get your life back!

What are some of the benefits of Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization Therapy (BHOT)?

The answer for this is based primarily on personal preference. The majority of our patients prefer the pellets; the procedure is virtually pain free, takes about 7 minutes start to finish and only has to be done about every 3 months. Creams have to be applied daily and you must be sure to let them dry before covering and not immediately come in contact with family members or pets. With either option progesterone, thyroid or adrenal support medications will typically be taken orally.

Hormones take years to decline, if they are increased too quickly some of the symptoms that are being treated may intensify until the body re-calibrates itself; so it is better to increase levels at a controlled pace. Additionally, everyone's body will react to and absorb the hormones differently. This is why the starting doses (while calculated specifically for the patient) will most likely be "conservative" compared to subsequent doses to see how the body, levels and symptoms responds to the initial dose. We ask our patients to commit to at least two insertions for pellets or two quarters for other methods to give therapy a chance to get to therapeutic levels. Typically our patients doing pellet therapy with oral progesterone experience the quickest results. With pellet therapy most patients begin to feel some general mood and energy improvements and decrease or cessation of hot flashes within the first 1-2 weeks, between 3-6 weeks some improvements to their libido, vaginal lubrication and mental clarity. Within 8-12 weeks skin tone and texture improves, libido increases further as does orgasm quality and for those with general body aches these begin to improve as well. Over the next few months the patient will notice improved body composition with loss of fat and increased muscle strength and tone with improvements continuing until optimized levels are reached. With pellet therapy the hormones enter the blood stream much quicker and stronger than with topical treatments. With topical or oral delivery methods patients will notice within weeks 1-3 hot flashes will improve and or dissipate completely. Within 2-3 months a noticeable improvement in energy, sexual libido, vaginal lubrication as well as skin tone and texture. Within 4-6 months there should be a overall improvement in symptoms with them continuing to improve until optimized levels are reached.

HRT is an acronym for Hormone Replacement Therapy which is usually a stenciled approach with "standardized levels" for all patients (a majority of the time using synthetic hormones like Premarin). BHRT is the same as the above but using Bio-Identical hormones. BHOT is an acronym for Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization Therapy. This is what we practice, our physicians use your health history, age, lab results, symptoms and lifestyle needs to customize your treatment and optimize your levels using high quality Bio-Identical hormones.

Bio-Identical hormones are rapidly becoming popular among those who no longer want to suffer with their symptoms and want to live with the freedom that healthy balance can bring. The body does not know the difference between the hormones it makes and Bio-Identical hormones because they are a replica of the molecular structure of the hormones that are naturally produced in your body. They are specifically compounded to be recognized by your cells and tissues as your own. Synthetic hormones have extra molecules (generally added so they can be patented) which your body can not recognize, some of which cannot be broken down by your body's enzymes and may stay in your body for long periods of time as toxins and carcinogens. BHOT matches your body's hormones molecule by molecule.

Well-respected medical journals and researchers have reported that Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy has a positive impact on disease prevention for both men and women. In addition to the prevention of disease there are many functional reasons to seek treatment. People are living longer now than generations before but for many living longer is not enough, we want to live better! Looking better and feeling great gives our patients an improved quality of life with the energy and enthusiasm to enjoy all the years ahead of them!

Traditional doctors do not usually have the time or resources to seek expertise in Bio-Identical Hormones. This is a specialized field, just as a cancer patient would see an oncologist, a patient seeking Hormone Optimization should get treatment from a physician that specializes in this field.

Hormonal Imbalances are not just caused by aging, there are millions of women in America that have experienced imbalances for many reasons; including early onset menopause, perimenopause, hysterectomy, adrenal fatigue, thyroid abnormalities, premenstrual symptoms (PMS) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) to name a few; most of these women find Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization Therapy (BHOT) is the solution. Many women begin to experience symptoms during perimenopause (pre-menopause) or menopause when Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, DHEA, Estradiol and Estriol production begins to diminish.

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Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization for Women

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