Vitamin D Deficiency: Know The Signs And Symptoms And Why The Sunshine Vitamin Is Important For You – NDTV

Vitamin D deficiency can cause weak bones and muscle pain

Vitamin D deficiency is quite common. As many as one billion people across the world have low levels of the sunshine vitamin in their blood. Vitamin D is an important nutrient for the body. It required for absorbing calcium and helps in building bones. The vitamin is synthesised in the body in the presence of sunlight.

Building a strong immunity is an important role played by Vitamin D. A strong immunity enables you to fight off illness causing bacteria and viruses. Vitamin D directly interacts which cells that fight infection and thus if you fall sick too often, it could be a sign of Vitamin D deficiency.

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Vitamin D helps in improving absorption of calcium. If you experience bone or back pain regularly, then it could be a sign of Vitamin D deficiency. Studies have also found a link between deficiency of the sunshine vitamin and chronic back pain.

Studies have found that Vitamin D increases production of compounds which are crucial for forming new skin that is a part of the wound-healing process. Slow healing of wounds after an injury or surgery could be indicative of low levels of Vitamin D.

Calcium absorption and bone metabolism are two of the most important functions of Vitamin D. According to, people who are diagnosed with bone loss in old age may be deficient in Vitamin D, along with loss of calcium and other minerals.

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One of the many causes of Vitamin D deficiency could be muscle pain. The receptor of Vitamin D is present in nerve cells known as nociceptors. These nerve cells sense pain.

Excessive tiredness and fatigue, despite living a healthy lifestyle and sleeping well, could be a sign of Vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause tiredness and fatiguePhoto Credit: iStock

Deficiency of Vitamin D could be linked to depression, especially in older adults. Some studies have found that taking supplements can improve mood and reduce feelings of depression.

Severe hair loss is surely associated with a nutrition deficiency, including low levels of Vitamin D. Female pattern hair loss female-pattern hair loss or alopecia areata could be linked to deficiency of Vitamin D.

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What can you do about Vitamin D deficiency?

In prescribed amounts, taking Vitamin D supplements can help in meeting deficiency of Vitamin D. Spending five to 10 minutes under the sun every day can also be beneficial, as the body synthesises Vitamin D in the presence of sunlight.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Vitamin D Deficiency: Know The Signs And Symptoms And Why The Sunshine Vitamin Is Important For You - NDTV

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