On 2021: Resolutions for the community – The Gazette

2020 has brought into focus the beauty, resilience and strength of our community. As we look forward to 2021, I offer the following resolutions. I resolve:

to continue extending a helping hand to friends, family and neighbors. After the derecho, our community helped each other by providing food, clearing trees and getting each other back on our feet.

to help our schools get back to normal. Since last spring, teachers and parents have learned new technology, exchanged countless emails and phone calls and worked together under the most challenging of circumstances to do the very best for our kids. As kids go back into our school buildings, I hope the spirit of collaboration and common understanding persists.

to remember all workers are essential and deserve a living wage and safe working conditions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we realized that workers in meat packing plants, grocery stores, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and public safety employees are all essential to our daily lives.

to acknowledge access to healthcare is a right, and when portions of our community cant access healthcare it is detrimental to all of us. Lets focus on keeping our entire community healthy.

Cheers to a happy and healthy 2021!

Eric Gjerde is state representative-elect for House District 67.

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On 2021: Resolutions for the community - The Gazette

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