Lottery grant awarded to Healthy Living, Healthy Lives CIC for service providing healthcare support to homeless people in Redbridge | Latest Ilford…

PUBLISHED: 07:00 05 March 2020

Michael Cox

Stephanie O'Leary, chief executive and homeless health service manager for Healthy Living, Healthy Lives CIC. Picture: Ken Mears.


A grant has been awarded towards a service providing healthcare support for homeless people in Redbridge.

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Healthy Living, Healthy Lives, which runs the service from The Welcome Centre in Ilford, secured more than 275,000 funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.

Among the support provided for homeless people includes help in registering with a GP and with managing long term conditions such as diabetes, as well as treatment for minor illnesses.

Stephanie O'Leary, chief executive and homeless health service manager for Healthy Living, Healthy Lives, a community interest company (CIC), said the lottery funding will support the service for three years.

"There are many reasons for homelessness and in order to help people move forward in life, they need support to address the issues which cause or affect their situation," she said.

"This holistic approach supports our clients and deals with the individuals' needs, starting with a comprehensive health check at registration.

"Over the last five years, the National Lottery Community Fund's financial support has meant that we have been able to employ general and mental health nurses, a counsellor, a massage therapist, a chiropodist and two sports coaches."

Healthy Living, Healthy Lives has been working since 2006 with The Welcome Project in Ilford and organisations including NHS Redbridge Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in its bid to improve health outcomes among homeless people.

The CCG's chairman Dr Anil Mehta added: "We're delighted that Healthy Living, Healthy Lives CIC, one of our strategic partners in tackling the health issues of the homeless, has been successful in securing further lottery funding which allows its excellent service to continue.

"Along with a number of local doctors and other healthcare staff, the CCG has recently started a homeless and rough sleeper outreach service, working in conjunction with Stephanie and her nurse colleagues at the Welcome Centre in Ilford.

"We would like to congratulate Stephanie and her team on their success so far and look forward to continuing our joint work improving the health of homeless people in Redbridge."

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Lottery grant awarded to Healthy Living, Healthy Lives CIC for service providing healthcare support to homeless people in Redbridge | Latest Ilford...

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