Lifestyle Habits that Protect Against Breast Cancer – Signals AZ

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Today, one in eight women living in the U.S. will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, according to data cited by the American Cancer Society. Thats why its so important to do everything you can to reduce your risk. Experts agree that women (and men) can lessen their likelihood of getting breast cancer by moving more and sitting less every day; working up a sweat a few times a week; building some muscle; and cutting back on alcohol. In fact, research shows that Americans could prevent one in three cases of breast cancer with healthy lifestyle habits.

(Image courtesy of YRMC)

Move More and Sit Less

Physical activity tops the list of lifestyle practices that provide protection to women and men at every age. According to a study released in 2017 by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund, 150 minutes per week of regular moderate activity, like walking at a pace that causes a slight increase in heart rate and deeper than normal breathing, reduces the risk of breast cancer in pre- and post-menopausal women by about 13% when compared to sedentary individuals. Vigorous exercise, or that which causes a faster heart rate and some sweating, boosts protection for pre-menopausal women to 17%. Other studies suggest even higher rates of protection when individuals increase exercise time to up to 300 minutes per week.

Moving more and sitting less throughout the day and engaging in regular physical activity likely reduces the risk of breast cancer by lowering inflammation in the body (a risk factor for many types of cancer and other chronic diseases), reducing insulin resistance (which lowers blood glucose and insulin levels in the blood), improving immune function, and by reducing circulating levels of estrogen. In fact, some research suggests that a sedentary lifestyle, or one with little to no physical activity, is a major risk factor for breast and other types of cancer.

A lifetime of enjoyable exercise decreases breast cancer risk. (Image courtesy of YRMC)

Take away tips:

Muscle Up After Menopause

Add weights to your workouts! (Image courtesy of YRMC)

Multiple studies show that reducing body fat (especially abdominal fat) while increasing muscle mass can lower breast cancer risk in women after menopause. According to a study done by the University of North Carolinas Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, higher levels of body fat seem to be related to lower breast cancer risk in younger women, while weight and fat gain after menopause increases risk. While the reasons for this are not totally clear, researchers think that body fat protects breast tissue from excessive estrogen production in younger years but increases exposure after menopause.

Take away tips:

LimitAlcoholic Beverages

Enjoy Fun, Flavorful Mocktails! (Image courtesy of YRMC)

According to the American Cancer Society, even small amounts of alcohol may increase a womens risk of breast cancer. Ethanal, the by-product of alcohol metabolism, can directly damage the DNA in cells, potentially leading to cancer growth and spread. Alcohol also raises estrogen levels in the blood, thus increasing risk of some breast cancer types.

Take away tips:

No one can predict exactly what combination of factors might lead to the growth and spread of breast cancer cells. However, good and extensive research shows that healthy lifestyle habits offer significant protection against this debilitating and potentially deadly disease. You can learn more about breast cancer, preventive testing, treatment, and local resources at YRMCs Breast Care Center.

The MIND BODY SOUL section is made possible byThumb Butte Medical Center, the Quad Cities only multi-specialty medical clinics with locations in Prescott, Prescott Valley, and Chino Valley, AZ.

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Lifestyle Habits that Protect Against Breast Cancer - Signals AZ

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