Healthy Snacks and Living the Best Life with Type 1 – Oswego Daily News

Owner and Head Chef of Kristens Kitchen at The Battle Island State Park, Kristen Aluzzi

OSWEGO Oswego County T1D will welcome Kristen Aluzzi to a Snack and Chat with Type 1 event planned for March 4 at CITI Boces in Mexico.

Aluzzi is the owner and head chef of Kristens Kitchen at the Battle Island State Park where she provides fresh, homemade quality dining options as well as local catering to the community.

She knows firsthand about healthy eating habits, having been diagnosed with Type 1 in December of 1991, and will share with attendees how shes lived her best life with T1D.

This Connections event is the first of a series in 2020 focusing on topics based on feedback from the T1D community.

Snack & Chat will take place March 4 at 6 p.m. at CITI Boces in Mexico and include Aluzzi along with others guest speakers sharing information about their connection to Type 1 and how they too are living their best lives or helping those with T1D do the same.

Other events in 2020 include; Connecting to Summer Fun with Type 1 on June 6, From Home to School with Type 1 Diabetes on September 3, and Tech The Halls with T1D Technology on November 4.

Call 315-349-3452 to reserve a spot for the event.

To learn more about T1D Oswego County and its mission of bringing together the type 1 diabetes community while providing local opportunities to connect and support each other, visit facebook page T1D Oswego County.

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Healthy Snacks and Living the Best Life with Type 1 - Oswego Daily News

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