Healthy living in a pandemic by Amelie Hogan, Nower Hill High – This is Local London

The ongoing global pandemic and the countrys lockdown seems to be slowly eating away at the sanity of our population. During lockdown it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally to boost chances of recovery and to make sure we dont return to the outside world as a pale, malnourished shell of our pre-lockdown selves.

In terms of being physically healthy, diet seems to be the biggest concern for health experts during the pandemic. Tim Lang, a professor at City University of London, has written a letter to Public Health Englands chief executive, citing evidence that a heathy diet could help fight off the virus. A specialist dietician called Nichola Ludlam-Rain has said that variety is key; as well as the basics we need Vitamin A (spinach, carrots and broccoli), Vitamin C (berries, tomatoes and peppers) and zinc (meats, shellfish, dairy and bread) to maintain a healthy diet. She says that freezing pot meals such as curry, pasta sauce, chilli and stew can also be a good way of making sure you are always eating healthy. It has also been recommended to have 8 glasses of liquid a day to maintain the balance of bodily fluids.

Although we are in lockdown, it is also important to exercise regularly too. The website of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has a whole page on how to stay active in quarantine and a list of home-based exercises to try. WHO recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, or a combination of both. However, they do recommend that if you are going outside to walk, remain at least a meter away from others that are not a part of your household.

It is also important to remember that our mental health is as important as our physical health. Taking up new hobbies such as baking, art and learning new instruments can help to relive stress and be productive. The Mental Health Foundation also thinks it is important to maintain contact with others via technology, create a new daily routine that prioritises looking after yourself and to avoid speculation and rumours. Speculation and terrifying statistics might create anxiety in some so it is recommended that they are avoided; if you must have information, only use reputable sources. Mental Health UK has a helpline for anyone who needs emotional support.

Although work, school and daily life may seem difficult at the moment, it is important to remember that health is the most important. Stay safe!

By Ame H

Excerpt from:
Healthy living in a pandemic by Amelie Hogan, Nower Hill High - This is Local London

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