HEALTHY LIVING: 5 ways to stay active outdoors – Meriden Record-Journal

Warmer weather brings more opportunity for finding creative ways to enjoy the outdoors. Parks and trails are highly utilized this time of the year.

Apart from trail running and bike riding, there are simple ways to incorporate nature in your active lifestyle.

1. Bodyweight training

Take your workout outside and reap the benefits of sunshine while building strength, no-equipment needed.

Make sure you find a space outside that is comfortable, depending on the exercises you will be doing you may opt for soft grass or pavement.

Performing push-ups, sit-ups, and squats on grass is a simple way to get in a workout while absorbing some Vitamin D.

These exercises can be performed barefoot which can not only help to enhance foot mechanics but can also provide a sense of relaxation as you connect with nature.

For more involved exercises that require stabilization, use a flat surface such as a deck, patio, or pavement.

2. Turn your yard work into a workout

Consider getting your steps in by moving firewood and adjusting landscaping.

Using logs or rocks as weight for farmers carries, lunges, or other strength-building exercises is an effective way to get your heart rate up while tidying your lawn in preparation for summer.

Gardening is a great way to build upper-body strength. Shoulder and back muscles are required for weeding, tilling, and planting.

Planting fruits and vegetables in your garden is a convenient way to cultivate a nutrient-rich diet.

3. Try Pilates

Pilates consists of low-impact exercises which help to develop postural alignment and flexibility.

Foundational Pilates movements include shoulder circles, pelvic curls, and single leg stretches.

Practicing Pilates outdoors is simple, as many exercise sequences do not require complex movements and can be conducted from an upright standing position.

Pilates is widely recognized for its core-building capacities.

4. Utilize your outdoor space

You can actualize your dreams of obstacle racing by making a miniature course with your family.

You can arrange twigs to mirror an agility ladder or assemble a relay using vegetation as landmarks.

An example of this would be to do high knees until you reach a tree that borders your yard, inchworm from this area to your garden where you pick up a log and then carry the log overhead to your woodpile setting it down and ending with 25 jumping jacks.

This is an excellent opportunity to immerse young children in physical activity and nature.

5. Interval train to ramp up intensity

Intervals of intensity bring the heart rate up to peak capacity.

These intervals can be as short as 30 seconds and as long as a few minutes. Start off slowly and then work your way up to a more challenging pace.

This may look like 30 seconds of sprinting or fast-paced walking followed by 2 minutes at a moderate pace.

Adding intervals of high intensity to your jogs or walks is an excellent way to keep things interesting while burning fat.

Whichever outdoor activity you chose, consider all the resources at your disposal that will enable you to construct a customized training center in your own backyard.

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HEALTHY LIVING: 5 ways to stay active outdoors - Meriden Record-Journal

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