What will you risk? – Clinton News Record

Lets get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Supplied

To take a risk; is to venture into the unknown and the uncomfortable. It is often when we venture into this unfamiliar territory where we can grow, learn and expand ourselves as a person to be successful in life.

We all have different levels and definitions of risk as well as methods to determine if an activity is risky and, if well participate in it. When we take risks, they are considered as such because we are not certain what the outcome will be. In much of society today, we have become very risk adverse; and while this has had overarching large-scale social impacts, it has also affected our own individual decisions and behaviors.

Changing our behaviors to eat better and move more is a risk; and its one that many of us are very uncomfortable taking. There is fear and uncertainty in how we go about changing our behaviors; but also, in wondering if we even can. However, if we dont take the risk, if we dont dive into the uncomfortable and uncertain, what we do risk is far greater than simply being uncomfortable. What we risk is our health; something that none of us wants to lose.

Learning to eat better, to cook healthy, to grocery shop and to meal plan can be intimidating. Walking into a group exercise class, learning how to fit activity into our days, getting up early to go for a walk in the dark and cold can be scary. However, in taking a risk and learning to eat better and move more, the worst that can happen, is that it doesnt work out. This may leave us feeling defeated and frustrated, however; this is not failure.

If we dont reach our goals in changing our behaviours today, all we have done is given ourselves the knowledge of what may not work for us. This is not failure; its a learning experience. We cant be expected to know right away how to make changes in our lives, and how those changes will look. Eating well and being active is a skill that takes time to learn, just as with any other skill in life. Learning to type on keyboard, drive in the winter or read a book all take practice, time and risk. Learning to lead a healthy lifestyle is no different. By working towards small changes every day, we will transform our behaviours and habits. By continually showing up for ourselves and challenging our own boundaries of comfort, we are expanding our ability to succeed in making sustainable behaviour changes for a healthier lifestyle. This isnt to say that at moments we will not be uncomfortable, frustrated, or wondering what to do next. It is to say however, that we will not give up, that we deserve to live a healthy lifestyle and that our family and friends deserve to see us as a role model and an inspiration to make healthy choices of their own.

Our challenge this week is to risk it. To acknowledge our doubts, our fears and our uncertainties. To acknowledge that struggling, is not failing. While we might be afraid to take a risk, lets ask ourselves what could happen if we dont?

How will you take a risk today?

Excerpt from:
What will you risk? - Clinton News Record

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