What is a Healthy Lifestyle? – Healthy Lifestyles Living …

I and many others are promoting the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that actually mean?

In general, most would agree that a healthy person doesnt smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats a balanced healthy diet, thinks positively, feels relaxed, exercises regularly, has good relationships, and benefits from a good life balance.

Maybe I should start by trying to look at a few definitions for the word lifestyle. A definition in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language says : A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group.

In an Encyclopedia of Public Health: Lifestyle is defined as: In public health, lifestyle generally means a pattern of individual practices and personal behavioural choices that are related to elevated or reduced health risk.

The World Health Organisation in 1946 defined health as A complete state of mental, physical and social well-being not merely the absence of disease.

Wikipedia: defines a lifestyle as the way a person lives. This includes patterns of social relations, consumption, entertainment, and dress. A lifestyle typically also reflects an individuals attitudes, values or worldview. A healthy lifestyle is generally characterized as a balanced life in which one makes wise choices.

A final definition of lifestyle is: The aggregation of decisions by individuals which affect their health, and over which they more or less have control.

What is the definition of Healthy Living?

The World Health Organization (WHO), defines Health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not simply just the absence of disease.

The actual definition of Healthy Living is the steps, actions and strategies one puts in place to achieve optimum health.


What is a Healthy Lifestyle? - Healthy Lifestyles Living ...

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