Understanding the Health Triangle, Social, Physical and Mental Health in Human Life – Thrive Global

One commonality virtually everyone in the world has iswanting to be healthy and in shape. We do this by dreaming about our dreambodies, fantasizing about what we want to look like in our clothes, and othersimilar ways. Whats interesting is that most of us know the steps we need totake to create that life.

Whether its cutting junk food out of our diet or increasing the number of daily activities we do, the problem is that most of us are stuck with simply starting the journey. However, this process doesnt have to be complicated.

Simply starting the steps you know you need to takeputs you much closer than you think to achieve your goals. In saying that, youalso dont want to jump into what you think is a healthy lifestyle completelyblind. Here is a problem that many people make. Doing the wrong routines orplans to get in shape has the potential to do more damage to your body than notdoing anything at all.

For the most part, simple research about your body typeand conditions should give you a good idea of how to go about starting yourhealthy lifestyle. Worth noting, this journey is going to take more than simplyworking out regularly and eating nutritional foods.

Creating this life has proven to be more of a mentalstrain than anything else. In other words, it will require you to push yourselfto your physical and mental limits to see how far you can go. Once you knowyour limits, you give yourself more room to try new things to increase yourchances of succeeding in your goal to be a healthy person. With this in mind,lets go over seven tips you must follow to stay in shape and be healthy.

1: Hydrate

Hydrating is one of the most overlooked tips yet one ofthe most effective in helping you stay in shape. If you drink at least a gallonof water a day, your energy and performance output will stay consistentthroughout the day.

2: Avoid Starvation Diets

Despite popular belief, you dont need to starveyourself to stay in shape. All in all, stick to diets that keep you energizedas opposed to ones that starve you to lose weight.

3: Find An Exercise YoullEnjoy

As we all know, exercising will need to be a part of your life whetheryou like it or not. However, there are ways to make it fun and exciting. Bymixing exercising with a sport or activity you like doing, you can trickyourself into thinking youre not working out at all.

4: Eat Foods Youll Enjoy

One thing that avoiding starvation diets will allow youto do is eat foods you enjoy eating. This should be the main priority of yourdiet over anything else. Just keep in mind that you know what foods are morehealthy for you than others. 63 per cent of Australian adults were overweightor obese while 35.7%among American young adults were obese due to unhealthy eating habits.

5: Have Regular Physical Check-Ups & Insurance

Your body can be looked at as the vehicle you drive tocreate a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, it needs to be maintained andchecked for any irregularities. You can do this by having regular check-upswith your doctor. Also worth noting, this is where having health insurance comes into play. This will protect youagainst any uncertainties that prevent you from making any progress. TheAustralian healthcare system is broadly funded by the government & byprivate health insurance as well. The healthcare is borne by NGOs, with asignificant cost being borne by individual patients. Thereby, you must alwayscheck the facilities & benefits provided to you by your countryshealthcare system or private firms with better facilities & affordableoptions & choose the one that stands perfect as per your needs.

6: Surround Yourself WithHealthy People

They say that you end up taking the characteristics andlikeness of the people you surround yourself with the most. If this is true,surround yourself with people that already have the lifestyle that you want tolive.

7: Be Consistent!

Arguably the most important quality to have whencreating a healthy lifestyle is consistency. You need to remind yourself thatthe most in-shape people today didnt get there overnight. Taking smallincrements over time will get you to where you want to be physically andmentally.

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Understanding the Health Triangle, Social, Physical and Mental Health in Human Life - Thrive Global

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