Tired of Working From Home? Barbados Offering Non-Residents to Live, Work Remotely for a Year – Our Community Now at Colorado

Courtesy of Visit Barbados (Facebook)

While the world has basically locked its doors to Americans due to the coronavirus, Barbados actually wants us to move there.

Thanks to a new visa, its 12-month Welcome Stamp, visitors can stay in Barbados and work remotely in the tropical paradise for up to a year. In the face of COVID-19, government officials in the country came up with a plan to welcome the world in to its borders and help boost the economy.

"On behalf of our beautiful island of Barbados, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. Although the COVID 19 pandemic has been a tremendous challenge to people around the world, we believe it has also opened up opportunities," saysMia Amor Mottley, Q.C., M.P.Prime Minister of Barbados on the visa website. "We recognise more people are working remotely, sometimes in very stressful conditions, with little option for vacation. Our new 12 month Barbados Welcome Stamp, a visa that allows you to relocate and work from one of the worlds most beloved tourism destinations."

According to the visa website, Barbados is positioning itself as a place to get away from the urban rat race, cultivatein a safe and healthy lifestyle, and allow you to immerse yourself in Bajan culture. It has put the offer up to people from around the world and wants to provide all who move there an inclusive, diverse, and once-in-a-lifetimeexperience.

"Barbados offers you the backdrop of idyllic beaches, tropical landscape and work-life balance. And, youll still be earning your global salary. Barbados has a solid infrastructure in place, with a stable economy, good healthcare facilities, world-class education from nursery to university level, and reliable and fast Internet connectivity," the website says.

Not a cubicle to be found! Courtesy of Visit Barbados (Facebook)

If this seems to be your perfect situation, you'll have to apply and provide a few things that are detailed on the website. You have to certify that you make at least $50,000 a year in your job. There is also a non-refundable fee of $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for families, butvisa-holders will not have to pay Barbados Income Tax.

In addition, COVID-19 hasn't gone away.Barbados Tourism and Marketing asks visitors from high-risk countries (more than 10,000 new cases in the last seven days) are "strongly encouraged" to take a COVID-19 test within 72 hours of their departure; thosefrom low-risk spots (fewer than 100 cases in the last week) can take the test up to a week before departure.Visitors who don't test prior to landing in Barbados will have to take a test immediately, at their own expense, and quarantine until they receive results. Positive cases will be"placed in isolation where they will receive care from the Ministry of Health and Wellness," says the agency.

If you are interested in learning more, check out the Barbados Welcome Stamp website.

What do you think? Does working in paradise sound like your idea of a good time? Would you go now while the pandemic is still upon us?Let us know in the comments below!

Read more:
Tired of Working From Home? Barbados Offering Non-Residents to Live, Work Remotely for a Year - Our Community Now at Colorado

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