Three ways to reap financial benefits by staying healthy – know here – DNA India

Often when we think about leading a healthy lifestyle, we imagine certain benefits alongside. A healthier routine is bound to result in fitness and overall physical wellbeing,prevent diseases and positively impact mental health as well. But seldom does it occur to us that healthy living can also benefit us financially. Cultivating healthy living offersseveral financial benefits.

Read on to find out why health truly is wealth and three ways in which you can usher a financially sound 2021, by resolving to Be fit, be protected, be happy.

Day to day savings and lower medical bills

Research has found that, on average, a person who walks or otherwise exercises for 150 minutes each week spends less on medical expenses than those who fail to reach that threshold. Quite simply, this amount results in money that is saved from making fewer doctor visits, and less expenditure on prescription costs.

While there is a range of comprehensive and affordable financial solutions in the form of health insurance and critical illness riders available today to protect against the impact of a range of illnesses, a fitter routine, exercise, and healthy lifestyle can go a long way in preventing you from some of these diseases. Amongst the many financial benefits ofbeing fit, this is one that can make the most difference in your life.

Pay lower premiums on the policy

Life insurers pay distinct attention to your medical history when underwriting a policy because a person who is in excellent health is considered less likely to fall prey to life-threatening ailments. For example, premiums for smokers can often be higher than for non-smokers. Simply put, insurers stress on your health status when issuing a policybecause this is a premium-determinant, and the healthier you are, the lower premiums youre likely to pay.

Earn financial rewards to stay fit

Innovative companies across the globe are increasingly developing products that encourage healthy behavior among policyholders and in turn financially reward them withrenewal premium discounts.

To reinforce healthier living, many health and general insurance companies today offer discounts based on positive alterations you make such as physical exercises, running, swimming, and leading a fit lifestyle in general.

For instance, insurers today offer wellness app with features such as a step count, wellness assessment score, medicine reminder, daily health tips, digitized access to all health reports and a wellness calculator. They also offer renewal premium discounts based on health milestones accomplished. For example, recording a minimum of 50,000 steps on the app can accumulate one Healthy Week in a week and depend on the number of Healthy Weeks accumulated, the life insured is eligible for a discount (up to 10%) on rider premium at the time of renewal, contributing to both, their health and wealth.

While we may not know what course the pandemic is likely to take, we do know that taking care of our health and overall wellbeing is more important now than ever before. With these small but prudent steps, we can adopt a healthy lifestyle in 2021 for the win.

Originally posted here:
Three ways to reap financial benefits by staying healthy - know here - DNA India

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