The average American worries about their health this many times a day – New York Post

The average American has experienced 560 moments of worry about their immune health since the start of COVID-19, according to new research.

The study of 2,000 Americans asked respondents how their mindsets and anxiety have changed since the beginning of COVID-19.

Results found the average person was struck with worry four times a day thats 112 times in a month.

In fact, two-thirds of respondents admitted their immune health has been a constant source of concern since the rise of COVID-19.

Four in five of the adults polled revealed the onset of COVID-19 has caused them to rethink their health priorities completely.

Sixty-three percent are aiming to better incorporate fruits and vegetables into their diets while 57 percent want to exercise more.

This was a significant shift, given that three in 10 could not correctly identify the function of the immune system, a key factor in ones overall health, before the pandemic. The immune system protects the body from germs and cell changes that could result in illness.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of MitoQ, found many respondents have deep concerns about their health as they step out publicly.

Fifty-seven percent said food and merchandise prepared by someone whose hygiene habits (like hand-washing) they couldnt monitor was a worry for them.

Over half said being near others who arent wearing masks was a top concern, while 51 percent wouldnt feel comfortable with those who do not respect the six-feet social distancing rule.

Three in 10 plan on wearing masks in public until there is a COVID-19 vaccine available while 31 percent will continue to wear one as long as its required.

A quarter said they will wear a mask as long as its recommended to wear one in public.

With or without masks, 64 percent would feel more comfortable resuming public life and sooner if they felt more confident in their immune health.

Four in five (85 percent) are committed to making these healthy lifestyle changes permanent in order to be healthier and more resilient in the event of another global health crisis.

COVID-19 has kickstarted many new habits nearly seven in ten (69 percent) are improving their diets and four in five want to incorporate immunity strengthening foods and supplements into their routines.

In times of tremendous uncertainty particularly as it relates to public health it is not surprising that the majority of Americans are looking to establish or improve healthy habits and routines, said a spokesperson for MitoQ.

We know that there are many things that can impact a persons immunity and that prioritizing health and wellness are paramount. While lifestyle factors alone cannot prevent someone from contracting a virus or a bug, focusing on a healthy diet, high-quality supplementation and adequate sleep and exercise can all play a role in supporting the body from the inside out.

Despite best intentions, respondents did confess to a few hiccups theyve encountered when it comes to staying on the straight and narrow path.

Over half revealed they struggle to maintain their exercise routine while one in two also have strayed from their healthy eating regime.

Thirty-eight percent have found it difficult to stay consistent in their choices while nearly one in five admitted to giving into temptation and peer pressure when it comes to diverging from their goals.

This data demonstrates that an increasing number of Americans are interested in leading healthier lives. This trend even while ignited by a pandemic is a positive and encouraging shift, explained the spokesperson for MitoQ.

There are many things that Americans can do to improve their health and some of it starts at the cellular level. Certain supplements, like MitoQ, can help to support the immune system from deep within cells. This, combined with other healthy habits, can help the body to fight anything that comes its way.

A sampling of the data is outlined below. Full data set is available upon request.

Top pandemic worries while in public

Benefits respondents want to enjoy from a healthy lifestyle

Top healthy lifestyle struggles

The average American worries about their health this many times a day - New York Post

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