Taking it one day at a time – The Times and Democrat

Dear Annie: This is in response to "Kathy with a K," who wrote to you about not being able to find anyone quite her type to date. You told her it was one thing to have a type and another to have tunnel vision.

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When I was in graduate school and too busy to be looking for a relationship, I met a guy one day, talked with him for a while, and thought, "He's OK, I guess, but he's definitely not my type."

This year we will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, and he is the love of my life. We share many interests, but each of us also enjoys activities in which the other is not involved. Is he perfect? No. But neither am I, and it takes a lot of tolerance and forgiveness and laughter from each of us to maintain a healthy marriage.

By the way, he is younger than I -- something I never considered a possibility for my "ideal" mate. I am glad I didn't let preconceived ideas rob me of a wonderful husband. -- Grateful Georgia Girl

Dear Grateful: Happy anniversary! Here's to going against type and winning.

Dear Annie: I have only one quarrel with the writer about National Heart Month. The general public -- including medical doctors -- is woefully uneducated about the benefits plant-based foods can have on heart health and general well-being. As Dr. Kim Williams, former president of the American College of Cardiology, points out, "There are two kinds of cardiologists: vegans, and ones who haven't read the data." I highly recommend your readers watch "Forks Over Knives" (featuring Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn) and James Cameron's "The Game Changers" to get the real scoop on a healthy lifestyle. -- Heart-Healthy 30-Plus Years

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Taking it one day at a time - The Times and Democrat

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