Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle – Thrive Global

Photo by Helen Agresti RD

At the beginning of the New Year, many people are eagerto try diets that are restrictive and oftentimes, simply a variation of afad dietfrom 20 years ago. Making healthy changes to your eating habitsand exercise routine will result in longterm success as long as it does not entail eliminating an essential nutrient or food group. Dont let the pressure of New Years resolutions ruin your relationship with food. Taking a mindfulapproach tomeals, snacking,and physical activity can lead to a healthierlifestyle.

Here are some tips to help you stick to a healthy lifestyle:

Get Moving! Schedule 3-5 days of exercise each week for a minimum of 30 minutes. If you typically hit a plateau or experience boredom a month or two into the New Year, the next few tips will serve you well.

Prepare for the Mid-day Slump. Pack wisely for those times of the day when your healthy eating habits are challenged (typically between 3 pm and 5 pm). Have a healthy snack packed for that time of the day when you feel like attacking the nearest vending machine or Fast Food drive-thru. Cheese and crackers, sugar snap peas and hummus, and lightly salted pistachios are nutritious mid-day snacks that travel well.

Reach for the Fabulous 5. Eating at least 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings of vegetables throughout the day will help keep you looking younger and feeling more energized. The beauty of these colorful superfoods is that they rotate their deliciousness throughout the four seasons. Take advantage of their power-packed nutrients by spreading five or more servings among breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Make this nutrition goal for yourself and your family: try one new fruit or vegetable every week by incorporating it into a meal or snack.

~Healthy Happy Eating and Living!

Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle - Thrive Global

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