Sick of sitting in your seat? Here are some fun ways to stay healthy at work – Hindustan Times

In the corporate world, most of our days are spent sitting at our desks for a long period of time. It is hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle especially when it comes to balancing both work and good health together. Stuck in the monotonous routine and with the roller coaster ride of life, our routine has now been just rushing to work and somehow getting through the day no matter how we feel. Moreover, before we even realize, this sedentary lifestyle coupled with unhealthy eating, high stress levels and inadequate sleep will give us a set of various lifestyle diseases in the long run.

Even though there is a constant competition in the workplace, a little dose of healthy eating and exercises in simple forms always does the trick. And how can office life and a happy life go hand-in-hand? Sheryl Salis, Dietician and Diabetes Educator, lists below a couple of fun ways to make your life easier, healthier, and happier.

Take up smart snacking!

As the evening strikes and the hunger pangs kick in, we automatically navigate towards that bag of unhealthy food. Knowing how hungry we get especially in the evenings, we forget how many of those unhealthy calories we take in. Instead of binging on chips or that vada pav, indulge yourself in nutritious meals that are high in protein and superfood nourishment like soups. The one minute instant soups are the ideal evening healthy snack as they are convenient to make, healthy and filling. These days you even get soups that have 4X* protein compared to regular soups. Moreover, as the chilly days continue, soups do create a nourishing option to keep you warm and agile thereby making it the perfect snacking option in the evenings

Dont just sit there!

Considering that many of us have desk work, we tend to spend a lot of time sitting and as per studies, sitting for approximately more than 9 hours a day could conjure up a lot of health risks. Sitting is the new smoking. So get moving! Take a break between your mails, back-to-back meetings, work calls and indulge yourself for a stroll for at least 5 minutes after every 30 mins. This will help you concentrate more, boost your mood and help you avoid those muscle cramps.

Be positive!

With the amount of stress that keeps building up, its no wonder you feel so bogged down with work. The pressures of your job ultimately make your tasks even more difficult to complete. It is important to start your day with a positive mindset and filled with energy. Try to take criticism as constructive feedback. Ensure your work place (a place you spend almost your entire day) is a fun place and not a war zone that tends to surround you with negativity. Find your source of happiness in the little things like a completion of a task or a compliment from the boss.

Dont let it be the hunger games but make it the Office Games!

As soon as you see those shoulders drop and eyes droopy, it is high time to play a few games. Call it a fun team bonding session or stress-busting games, there are various means to ensure a fun time. One of the best ways to club fitness and entertainment together is to go to an indoor adventure and a trampoline park. Bouncing on a trampoline creates the perfect playground to beat the stress in the most fun way and at the same time helps you burn those calories and has multiple health benefits too. Whether it is a Cliff Jump, landing onto a giant air bag, a Slam Dunk bouncing basketball or dodgeball war game, it surely will help you relive those childhood memories and for that matter, even beat your colleagues to a fun game.

(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)

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Sick of sitting in your seat? Here are some fun ways to stay healthy at work - Hindustan Times

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