Red Cap Ambassador 2020: Robert Miller continues an active lifestyle after surviving heart disease – WKTV

UTICA, N.Y. Robert Miller is a Red Cap Ambassador for the American Heart Association walking the three-mile walk with his wife this year.

Red Cap Ambassadors are survivors of heart disease or stroke who share their stories to inspire hope for others.

After living a relatively healthy lifestyle, Robert says he ended up in the emergency room after he noticed he was short of breath, and his legs were swelling from fluid retention last winter.

He was hospitalized with congestive heart failure, and had to have a valve repaired and a pacemaker procedure.

But Robert says hes come out on the other side, and continues to make healthy choices and be active, saying, I go to the gym every day. I either work on the elliptical machine or treadmill, I do some light weights. Im not back to where I was before I got sick, but Im much better off than I used to be.

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Red Cap Ambassador 2020: Robert Miller continues an active lifestyle after surviving heart disease - WKTV

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