Never too old or young to live a healthy lifestyle – Clinton News Record

Positive behaviours can be learned (or re-learned) at any stage of our lives. Photo Supplied

Learning is something that we can do every day of our lives.

Learning can be done anywhere, at any age and in a variety of mediums. We can learn by reading, by doing, by listening, by watching and more.

We all learn differently and that is because we are all individuals. We all have different levels of interests and passions, as well as internal and external devices that drive us. We learn at different paces and on different schedules. We can learn life skills, languages, instruments and trades; but we can also learn behaviours; behaviours such as how to be active and how to eat well. These positive behaviours can be learned (or re-learned) at any stage of our lives. However, just as with other types of learning, we need to be selective of where we get our information and how we choose to apply it as we move forward.

When were looking for information on how to be active or eat healthier, its important that we learn from credible and certified sources that we trust. Learning a new behaviour such being active or cooking healthy on a regular basis, needs to be a behaviour that fits with who we are and within our way of life. While learning has many benefits, one of the great things about learning is that there is more than one way to do things; and being active and eating well both have multiple pathways to success.

Our challenge this week, as were on this learning journey to eat better and move more, is to remind ourselves of the importance that anything we learn needs to be applied to our own situations. For example, perhaps we have a friend who sets an alarm at noon every day so that she can keep herself accountable to walk on a consistent basis; however, being active at the same time doesnt work for us because we work shift work. Our takeaway from that example could be that we prioritize and schedule time each day, even if it varies, to be active and keep ourselves on-track.

Learning is a process. Its a process of gathering new information, skills, behaviours, preferences and knowledge. Its giving ourselves an understanding of the potential we can have; and when that relates to being active and eating well, our potential is unlimited. Learning takes time, and it takes patience. It takes trying different methods, failing, gathering what we learned and trying again. Learning is fluid and continual.

Were never too old or young to learn new skills to be active or cook healthy at home. How will you learn a new skill this week to live a healthier lifestyle? How will you apply that learning to your own situation so that your new behaviour is sustainable? What will you learn today, that will bring you a healthier tomorrow?

This column was written and provided by Strathcona County Parks, Culture, and Recreations Jennifer Wilson.

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Never too old or young to live a healthy lifestyle - Clinton News Record

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